Chapter 11

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After working through the catch, Niles anxiety lessened and they even talked for a while. Niles explaining a little more about Omegas and their place in the pack.

Quin had learned a bit about pack structure during his "re-education" but it was interesting to hear it from an actual Omegas perspective, he'd only had Xanders take on things, who seemed to Quin to be more of a Beta or warrior type despite being packless.

Niles told Quin that he spent his time preparing food, cleaning, and caring for his adopted parents and the younger members of the pack. Omegas it seemed had a pull towards more family centered activities, tended to be very shy and submissive by nature, and were usually the lowest in rank in the pack.

Quin couldn't see himself being content with simply playing house all day, he tended to get bored if he wasn't doing something more active, something more physical. That wasn't to say he didn't enjoy being around the kids, or helping with the food, but he needed something more challenging to keep him satisfied.

By the time Niles had walked him back to the main house, there were kids running everywhere, people busily working on the crops and making or fixing various things.
The place was bustling and full of life and laughter, and frankly in Quin's eyes it was wonderful.

It had been another lifetime since he was in a community like this, and it made him remember how good and fulfilling his life had been before everything was taken away. It felt almost like fate was trying to return a little of what he had lost, and that made the feeling of dread building inside him the closer he got to the house, even harder to swallow.

It seemed so unfair, everything else just felt so right, like pieces of his scattered puzzle were being fit back together. Why then couldn't he at least be friendly with Ryan? He knew he was resistant to being close to a man, but surely he could at least be amicable? And yet as they crossed the threshold of the house and into the family room, he had to hold his breath.

To his relief Ryan was nowhere in sight, the anxiety that had been building dissipating quickly. The noise of family life wrapped around him like a warm blanket as he helped Niles with the youngest children of the pack.

He spent the rest of the day with Niles and some of the other Omegas of the pack, caring for the children, cleaning around the house and even helping Gail, Ryan's Mother, to prepare their evening meal.

It wasn't until they were dishing up that Ryan finally made an appearance, walking into the kitchen and greeting everyone as he made his way to the head of the table. When his eyes fell on Quin however, all the glow from him seemed to dim as he gave a small nod to Quin before passing him and taking a seat.

Maybe that was best, after all everytime they spoke it didn't seem to end well, perhaps distance was a good thing for now.

Quin helped Gail to serve the meal, a hearty stew with dumplings, served with mashed potatoes and roasted vegetables. Quin had made the dumplings himself, and felt oddly proud as everyone tucked into the meal happily.

"This is really good Mum, the dumplings are amazing!" Ryan said from the opposite end of the table, Gail giving Quin a smile.

"Actually Ryan, Quin made those. He has been a blessing today in the house." She said, giving Quin a look he could almost say was pride. Ryan coughed a little, looking at his Mother, who nodded towards Quin.

"Oh... Um... really? Ah..." Ryan looked like he was stood on hot coals or something as he danced around his words, the awkwardness building steadily.

"T..they are very nice, um thanks for helping Mum with the food Quin." He said finally looking at Quin, who met his gaze.

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