Chapter 27

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When Ryan woke that morning he found he couldn't move, his eyes hadn't adjusted to the low light yet, still blurry from sleep, and his arm was oddly numb. He could feel a weight on his chest and was surrounded by Quin's scent. He was a little confused until his brain woke up enough to register everything, then he daren't move a muscle.

Quin was asleep on his chest, his arm wrapped around him in a tight grip. Quin's face was nestled into his neck and he was deeply asleep, his breathing slow and even.

Ryan couldn't stop the wide grin now spreading across his face, he was so happy he felt like he would burst. Snow was jumping about inside him, making gleeful noises.

'Mate is laying on us, he smells so good. I'm so happy! Ryan he's perfect!' Snow said, Ryan couldn't argue with that.

Ryan sighed happily before slowly moving his numb arm from underneath Quin, the blood rushing back and slowly beginning to regain it's feeling. He wrapped his arm around Quin and closed his eyes, enjoying the closeness and comfort of finally having his mate in his arms.

He must have fallen asleep again, because the next time he opened his eyes was to see Quin slowly sitting up. He was blushing quite obviously and looking a little confused, when he spotted Ryan was awake he looked away quickly.

"Oh God... Ryan I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I ah..."

Ryan rubbed his eyes and yawned, a happy smile on his face.

"You don't need to be sorry, you were comfortable. I don't mind being your pillow" Ryan spoke, voice low and rumbly from sleep.

Quin groaned in embarrassment, hiding his face in his hands. He couldn't understand why he wasn't panicking, there was no sense of fear whatsoever. Even when he first woke up and realized he was practically laying on top of Ryan, felt Ryan's arm around his back, he hadn't felt trapped, or scared... He had felt safe and comfortable, and oddly happy..

"Well ah... You make a very good pillow.." Quin mumbled before clambering out of bed.

He grabbed some clean clothes and headed to the bathroom, taking one last look at Ryan as he sat up, stretched and yawned.

He couldn't help but watch Ryan's arms tense as he stretched, how his hair was even more tussled from sleep. He remembered how comfortable it had been to lay on Ryan's chest, feeling the shape of his abs under his hand..

Quin quickly entered the bathroom, feeling like his face was on fire. He took a cold shower, shaved and changed his clothes. He dried his hair and wandered back out, brushing his hair before packing everything away.

Ryan was sat on the sofa, a small smile on his face. Quin looked at him curiously, Ryan just seemed to be watching him. He started to feel the blush creeping back to his face again, and looked away.

Ryan couldn't take his eyes away from Quin, he still couldn't believe this gorgeous guy was actually his mate. He watched Quin's wavy black hair shining in the light, he loved the way it fell around his face like it was framing his features.

"You should have your hair down more often, it looks nice" Ryan commented, Quin blushing a little.

"Oh... Um ok then." Quin said putting the hair tie around his wrist instead.

He usually hated comments about his appearance from anyone, but for some reason the comment from Ryan left him feeling warm and fuzzy. He shook his head of the thought and concentrated on sorting his things.

After double checking everything was packed, he rummaged about in his bag and pulled out Ryan's parka, clocking the smile on Ryan's face when he spotted it.

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