Chapter 13

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"Who the hell do you think you are, putting your hands on me? Do you want me to snap your neck?!" Trent said, baring his teeth.

Quin grumbled as he spoke, a burning hatred deep in his chest. He could hear Niles crying as he hid under the table, and the sound just shifted something inside Quin, this need to protect the pack, his new family, thumping away like a drum.

"Who do I think I am? I'm the guy stood in your way, the guy who ain't moving. And if you think for one minute that I'm going to let you lay one more finger on my friend again, then you are sorely mistaken."

Quin shoved Trent in the chest with all his strength, and to Quins surprise as much as Trent's he flew backwards and fell over again, several of the teens who were watching, giggling at him as he slowly got back on his feet again.

"I suggest you tuck your tail between your legs and get back on that goddamned boat, and don't come back" Quin pulled out the hunting knife he had been given to use, and pointed it towards Trent's chest.

"If I see you here again, if you even try to go anywhere near Niles. I will fucking castrate you. Got it?" Quin said as he lowered the knife to point at the guys groin, eyes never leaving Trent's.

Trent seemed to be thinking about how to proceed when the voices of Duke and Dutch came from up the hill, he flicked his eyes away from Quin in their direction, and then back to Quin, pointing at his chest.

"This isn't over!" He snarled before jumping back on the small boat, starting the engine and taking off before Dutch arrived at the shore, shortly followed by Duke.

Quin stood there, shaking and trying to breathe, the knife in his hand now dropping to the ground. His adrenaline pounded in his ears as he dropped down and went to Niles under the table, pulling the boy into a tight hug.

"It's ok honey, he's gone now. I won't let him touch you again, I promise!" Quin said, still in shock himself.

He had just confronted a werewolf, not only that but the son of an Alpha, which meant he could very well be an Alpha himself one day. Yet he hadn't been afraid, in that moment all he saw was red, he pictured himself being abused, he saw the same helplessness on Niles face, and he just had to act. To protect.

Niles clung to him, sobbing apologies into Quin's jumper, Quin simply holding him and stroking his hair as Dutch appeared next to them.

"It's ok love, your safe now. C'mon let's get you to the house, ok?" Dutch said, helping Quin to get Niles out from under the table.

He clung to Quin with a death grip as they made their way to the house, only letting go when Gail appeared and wrapped him in a hug.

Dutch turned to Quin, a look of curiosity on her face. Quin was still shaking but he had a determined look on his face, he looked powerful in that moment and Dutch was surprised by this. After all Quin had been very quiet these past few weeks, keeping himself busy with helping around the homestead and trying to avoid conflict wherever he could, now he was facing down threats?

"There really is more to you than just a pretty face ain't there?" She said, nudging him in the arm.

Quin grumbled in his throat, if she didn't know better she would have said he was growling.

"I wasn't going to let that creep touch Niles like that, I had to do something. Niles is my friend, and he just can't fight back, he isn't that kind of person. I just reacted, like instinct I guess..." Quin mumbled, his throat now sore as he swallowed.

"We need to tell Ryan, any attack on our land needs to be reported, and Trent has been an issue for a while now. This is the last straw, I won't be surprised if Ryan calls his father and bans him from our territory for good this time." Dutch says, as she started to head towards Ryan's office, Quin stopping dead.

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