Chapter 41

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Ryan looked into Quin's eyes, he could see and feel Quin's fear and he hated that a part of him didn't care anymore...

He had to take control, make a stand and show a strong and unshakable command. Not only to his Pack, but to any detractors he may have beyond it.

Trent's Father, Andersen Green was not going to take this trial calmly. By being united with his Lunar, Ryan would be seen as a much stronger and more difficult target. It might discourage any thoughts Andersen had of revenge, prevent any retaliations from happening.

The word would spread around the Packs, most likely a lot of misinformation would occur courtesy of Dawn. Quin's status would make anything she could concoct even more damaging, Quin would need the protection of the title of Lunar to discourage negativity as much as possible...

Ryan grimaced as he sat himself up, pulling Quin up to face him.

His reasons all made sense, he knew they did, and the only reason Snow hadn't taken control again and bitten Quin, was because he was weakened by the fight that just took place.

He reached forward and slowly removed Quin's flannel shirt, his creamy skin bumping from the cold and fear. But he didn't pull away...

Ryan kissed him, running his hands lovingly over Quin's skin, removing any clothing stopping him from touching what was his. Quin's body responded to his touches beautifully, but Quin kept his eyes tightly shut, biting down on his bottom lip as Ryan lay himself on top of him.

Quin's mind was hurtling through every fear imaginable, his body no longer felt like his own. He knew he had to open his eyes, knew he needed to bring himself back to reality. This wasn't how he wanted this to happen, and he knew it was going to if he didn't do something.

It wasn't that he didn't want this, but he didn't expect it so quickly. He hadn't had a chance to get used to the idea, but maybe that was best? If he was honest with himself, it could have taken months before he would have been able to initiate this, and not necessarily because he wasn't ready, but because he was too nervous to ask.

With a deep breath Quin forced his eyes open and realization hit, Ryan was laying on top of him, but had propped himself up on his arms and was just looking at Quin, waiting.

"You wouldn't stop me, would you?" Ryan asked in a gruff voice.

Quin shook his head, his eyes blurry from tears.

"But you aren't ready, are you?" He said, wiping a tear from Quin's cheek.

"I... I'm.... s..sorry..." Quin whispered, suddenly aware of how scared he felt. He really wasn't ready for this at all...

Ryan nodded, moving to Quin's side and pulling him into his arms. Ryan held Quin as he cried in shock, resting his head against Quin's back as he held him from behind.

He may have already lost someone he loved today, he wasn't going to risk losing another.

They lay together for a while, Quin's mind slowly coming to a halt. He just sort of lay and watched the light from outside slowly creep up the wall, listening to Ryan's steady breath behind him.

Eventually he started to feel like he was himself, his body now coming back under his control again. He could feel the warmth of Ryan's skin against his own, feel his chest rise and fall as he breathed in even slow inhales.

Quin realized he must have been staring off into space for hours, the sun was giving the room an orange glow now and the temperature was significantly colder than it was before.

Quin pulled the blankets up around himself, his back was nice and warm where Ryan had wrapped himself around him, but Quin's front was freezing. He shivered and hugged the blanket to himself, the movement rousing Ryan from his shallow sleep.

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