Chapter 31

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He nervously approached the bed, before speaking, his voice cracking from the sadness now sitting heavily inside him.

"Ryan... I'm so sorry, so fucking sorry!!" He said as he looked at all the wounds.

Ryan shifted in the bed, wincing slightly as he moved. He was upset, sore and angry. But he didn't want to fight with Quin, he just didn't have the energy.

"Are you..?" He said finally, his annoyance getting the better of him.

Quin nodded, coming to the side of the bed and kneeling down on the floor, looking up at Ryan with wet eyes.

"I don't remember what I said, but I know I hurt you. Seeing you hurt so much sent me over the edge, I just felt like everything was falling down around me. I panicked and I ran, I know I shouldn't have, but it was like I had no control. I never ever meant for you to get hurt! It won't happen again, I swear!" Quin pleaded

He could feel the pull of the bond, and for once he didn't want to fight it. He wanted to hold Ryan, to kiss him and care for him, show him how sorry he was and prove he meant what he said.

Ryan closed his eyes for a moment, he could feel Quin was hurting, that he was feeling guilty... But he could feel something else too, something he hadn't been able to before, he could feel Quin's feelings towards him.

"I know what I want now, and I want to be with you. I feel the bond in a way I didn't before Ryan, I feel you. I want to be a proper mate to you, you deserve so much better than I have given you, and I want to do everything I can to make it up to you. I'm not afraid anymore." Quin said, his submissive pose and earnest look were hard to argue against.

Ryan sighed, he was still annoyed but he also couldn't help but feel oddly happy. Quin had finally accepted their bond, he could tell by the way Quin was looking at him, by the warm feeling that flowed from Quin into his body.

Ryan gave a small nod, grunting slightly as he tried to shift again. Quin jumped up and gently helped him to change position in the bed, sitting down next to him, Quin resting his hands on Ryan's thigh once he was comfortable. He sensed no hesitation whatsoever from Quin, and he found his annoyance lessening.

Quin ran his fingers through Ryan's hair, examining a cut on his forehead. Ryan closed his eyes again, feeling the sensation of Quin's touch. He opened his eyes in surprise when he felt Quin lean forward and kiss his forehead before running his nose against his own, gently resting his head against Ryan's, stroking his hair and carefully rubbing his less hurt shoulder.

"What can I do to help you feel better? I want to help.." Quin whispered.

Ryan breathed in Quin's scent, he wasn't sure why it was so strong but just the smell made him feel so good, so content that he couldn't help but let out a happy sigh.

He reached up and ran his hand along Quin's arm, taking his time to feel the definition of the muscles. All he wanted was to hold Quin and never let him go, an odd sense of possessiveness coming over him.

He had never felt like this before, sure he felt protective over Quin, but not possessive... But now he felt it starting to burn inside him like a small fire, and it was slowly getting stronger.

"Didn't you say that fated mates could help eachother heal in some cases? What would I have to do to help with that?" Quin asked, rubbing his nose against Ryan's again.

"Stay close, lay with me Quin. Be affectionate and loving, that's how it works..." Ryan said in a low voice.

If it wasn't for being in pain right now, Ryan would be finding it very difficult to restrain himself. Even now he found himself wrapping his fingers in the material of Quin's baggy t-shirt.

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