Chapter 128: Epilog

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Pov y/n

"Mama, where's my dress?"

I turn to the bedroom door and see Dahlia standing there in her underwear.

"Didn't Mommy put it on your bed?" I ask and approach her. She shakes her head and takes my hand to lead me to her room.

"See, it's not there." She points out. I frown and look around her room, it's indeed not in here.

"Babe?" I call out into the hallway.

"I'm with Lynn." Scar calls back and I leave Dahlia's room to walk across the hallway to Lynn's room. Dahlia follows suit. I smile when I see Lynn in his little suitpants and button up shirt. Scarlett is currently tying his tie that he insisted on wearing.

"Mommy, my dress is gone." Dahlia tells Scarlett. Scar looks up from kneeling in front of Lynn.

"Isn't it on your bed?" She asks and Dahlia shakes her head. Scarlett looks back at Lynn in thought and continues with his tie.

"Maybe look downstairs then? I might have forgotten to take it upstairs after ironing it." She offers and Dahlia nods and runs out of the room. Scarlett finishes off Lynn's tie and brushes over his shoulders while smiling.

"There you go, handsome." She tells him and gets up, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Thank you, Mommy." He replies and runs past me to the bathroom to check out his outfit.

I look after him and smile. He's so adorable and all I wanna do is hug him the whole time. His shyness never really faded away but that's okay, it's cute.
And despite it, he found friends in school and likes playing with them.
It's just that crowds of new people scare him a little bit. But that's fine and we always give him the comfort he looks for.

Dahlia is a pretty good mix between Rose and Lynn. She knows about stranger danger but is also curious to explore.

Two arms sneak around my waist and I smile and lean back into Scarlett. She kisses my cheek softly before leaning her head against mine.

"You look really amazing too, you know?" She compliments me.

"I did my best to clean up nicely for today." I answer and hear her chuckle.

"Well, you did a great job at that. Now you only need to relax, that suits you better." She hums and runs her hands up my arms to start massaging my shoulders. I sigh because I know I shouldn't be this tense but I can't help it.

"I'm just so excited and maybe a little bit nervous about today." I admit and watch Lynn run to the stairs to show his little sister the tie. Scarlett gently turns me around and cups my face.

"I know, so am I but it's all gonna be okay. All we have to do is show up and get the kids to sit still until it's over." She tells me, running her thumb over my cheek.
I take a deep breath and nod. Yeah, we don't have to do more and we're two on two, so we can each take care of one child.

"And about the relaxing part, if you're still this tense tonight, I can make sure to get you all relaxed and satisfied." She whispers with a smirk and runs one hand down my body and into the back pocket of my jeans. I can't help it but to grin at that as well.

"Are you sure, you won't be too tired for that, grandma?" I tease her. She playfully rolls her eyes and pulls her hand away to give me a light swat on the butt.

"Careful there, angel, or this grandma will destroy you tonight and if I'm correct, you planned on being able to walk tomorrow, didn't you?"

Her words sent shivers through my body and I bite my lip at her darkening eyes. Even after almost ten years of marriage, she still got that power over me.

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