Chapter 116: 2nd annual Thanksgiving Games

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Luckily, we are all healthy again when Thanksgiving comes around. It would have sucked to be sick over the holiday. Especially, with Robbie and Lizzie visiting us.
Actually they're coming to New York to visit Lizzie's family but we decided to spend Thanksgiving together.

Since the apartment is a little too small to host Thanksgiving, we're back at the house. It's a holiday, so we gave the workers the day and the following off. This way we don't have to get up early and leave the house again. It also allows Lizzie and Robbie to stay in the guest bedroom.
The nursery isn't ready yet, otherwise they could have used that too. But when we talked on the phone, they said that Milo sleeps near their bed anyway. I suppose that makes sense since he doesn't sleep through the night yet and needs to be fed.

When we got to the house yesterday, I was impressed how fast they worked. The additional rooms are already there and look really good. They aren't quite finished because the floor still needs to be secured and they need to do some other constructing. I didn't listen all too carefully when they talked to us because I was too impressed that we have two new rooms, just like that.

At first I was worried that it would look weird and doesn't fit the house but it does, pretty good actually. The nursery will be close to our bedroom, right across the hallway. Scarlett's office has it's entrance near the corner of the living room. If you enter, you don't see it immediately because the view is blocked by the shelves. I like how it turned out and am excited to get everything ready.
After the rooms are fully built, we have painters hired so they pain the walls and put up wallpaper in the nursery. From then on, we will take over and start to put furniture in.

As far as chaos goes, it's all kept inside the new rooms. There is a bit of dust on the floor in the living room and the hallway upstairs but that's it. No tools are laying around and there are no accidental holes in the walls.

Being back felt nice and made me realize how familiar I've become with the house. I don't think of my apartment as home anymore, it's this house. So coming home, even for two days, was amazing.
Rose was excited about having a backyard again and spent most of the time outside yesterday. Scarlett and I unlocked all the doors to our private rooms and put the groceries away that we bought.
We're only going to be five people plus a baby, so we won't need all too much food. Lizzie offered to help in the kitchen and I am very grateful for that because I'm not sure I could handle making a whole dinner all by myself.

Scarlett, obviously, won't help because I banned her from the kitchen for this. I won't let her lift a finger to prepare for this. She's supposed to rest and lean back.
That works until she starts cleaning bits of the house but I can't keep her from doing everything.
Still, a small part of me wants to take care of that too but I know she is allowed to do this since the pregnancy isn't in the final stages.

To say we're excited for Lizzie and Robbie to arrive would be an understatement. This will be the first time that we get to see them since the wedding and since Milo is born.
I'm just a little afraid he will light the baby fever within me and make me even more impatient. I'm also curious to see how Rose will react to the baby. She's never interacted with a baby before, so I can't tell.

Rose is the first one to race to the door when the bell rings. Scarlett and I follow and watch as she pulls the door open.
"Aunt Lizzie!" She exclaims and bounces up and down.

"Hello, sunshine." Lizzie greets her and gives her a hug. She looks good. Maybe a little tired but very happy.

"It's so good to see you again. How was the flight?" Scarlett asks and hugs her, letting it last. I smile and help Robbie with the luggage. He's carrying the baby carrier.

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