Chapter 27: One Year

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Pov y/n 

The rest of yesterday was great. It felt so good to finally be back with Scarlett, even if it's just for two days.
Rose was really excited to see her mom again and jumped into her arms, not letting her go for at least three minutes. Scarlett held Rose the whole time and I could tell she really missed her too and this is what it always looks like when she returns after a job.

We spent the day together, played some board games, cooked together and watched a movie.
Rose never left our sides, clinging to Scarlett like a koala. It was very sweet though and Scar didn't seem to mind at all.
Rose wanted to sleep in our bed and we allowed her to do so. It's hard for her as well to watch her mom leave for a while, especially with everything that has been going on since Scar left.

When Romain picked Rose up this morning, Scarlett had to promise her that she wouldn't leave without seeing Rose once more.
Only then was Rose okay to go. Romain seemed surprised to see Scarlett but didn't say anything. But the way she looked at him, I could tell, they had a talk about what happened back at the hospital and it doesn't seem to be a very joyful one.

Now, we're alone again and cuddled together on the couch of my living room.
I'm gonna admit, I haven't really let go of her since she arrived yesterday. I always made sure to be close to her and if possible hold her hand because I really missed her and want to soak up every minute we have.
It's also our one year anniversary, so that adds to it.

"I have plans for today." Scar tells me and I lift my head to look at her.

"They better be with me or else I'm not gonna let you leave." I grin and she shakes her head with a chuckle.

"Of course, they are with you. Who else are they supposed to be with?"

I shrug and lace my fingers with hers. "Friends."
She laughs and shakes her head, pulling me in for a short kiss.

"No, I'm not meeting any friends today. Today is about you and me." She assures me and I smile.
"I thought we could go for a little walk today." She shares and I glance outside. It's not raining and the sun is peaking through the clouds so that seems like a reasonable idea.

"Sounds good to me. And maybe I can invite you for lunch or dinner? You know, as a date." I offer and straddle her lap, resting my arms on her shoulders.

"How can I say no to that? But rather lunch because I have even more plans for later today."
I raise my eyebrows and tilt my head in question. She grins and bops my nose.

"Surprise." She tells me and I huff out dramatically, making her laugh.

"You really love surprising me lately, don't you?" I ask and she nods, wrapping her arms around me.

I honestly don't mind though, I know she only has the best intentions and will have thought of something great. Admittedly, maybe I'm a little jealous I don't have anything to surprise her with. Well, nothing like a date plan or present at least.
I did put on lingerie after taking a shower this morning. It's the one she got me for our six months anniversary, so I know she's gonna love it.

It's also surprisingly comfortable for lingerie, which is good since I doubt we will do anything before this evening.
We might just had sex yesterday but I want to use all the time we have and make love to her on our anniversary. Especially, since she has to leave tomorrow afternoon again but I'm pushing that thought away as far as possible.

"I do have a little surprise for you." I suddenly remember and shuffle off her lap.
She watches me curiously as I walk into the kitchen and open the cabinet to pull out the box of chocolates. I return to the couch and settle next to her.

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