Chapter 58: First crush

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I look up from my book to see Rose standing in the doorframe. She's fidgeting with her fingers and I can tell she is a little nervous.

"Yes, baby?" I ask and put my book down. She slowly approaches the couch, having a little trouble to phrase out her thoughts.

"How do you know if you like someone?" She asks shyly and sits down next to me. I'm surprised by the question but think about it.

"Well, I would say you enjoy spending time with that person and you have fun together. You feel comfortable around them and they treat you good." I answer and Rose nods slowly and pulls her legs up to cross them in front of her. She still fidgets with her fingers.

"Is that how you feel towards Mommy?" She asks and I bite my tongue, to keep a noise from escaping me.

I thought she meant like in a platonic way and not in a romantic way. That surprises me even more but by the look on her face I can tell, that it makes her nervous to ask this question.
I need to handle that carefully because I don't want her to be nervous when talking to me or Scar about this kind of things and feelings. I gently brush over her hair and think.

"That is how I feel towards your mommy. But there's more than that. I love her." I explain to the girl and she crunches up her nose.

"How do you know if you don't just like somebody but love them?" She asks and I purse my lips.

How do you explain love to a seven-year-old?

Surely, you leave out the part about sexual attraction because that's not a conversation I want to have right now, not without talking to Scar first. And I also don't think that that's what Rose feels, if she feels something towards someone.

"That's a little different for everyone. For me, I feel really happy whenever I see your mommy. I want to spend time with her and not just exciting times like going on vacation or goof around. I also want to be with her when it's calm and we just read or watch TV. I like being close to her and hold her hand. She makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside." I try to explain and smile without even controlling it.
Rose looks thoughtful and I watch her, allowing her to understand what I'm saying.

"So, you feel a little like you're drinking hot chocolate and are about to get presents?" She asks and I chuckle softly and nod.

"I guess, yeah." I agree.

Talking about feelings is never easy, especially not with kids because they have a different way of thinking, so I feel like comparing the feelings to something Rose knows is a good way of doing so.

"You also like kissing Mommy, right?" She asks and I nod.

"I do. It makes me all excited and I want to grin the whole time." I explain and Rose smiles softly and scoots a little closer.

"Is that how everyone feels?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No, everyone feels different about those kinds of things. You know how I love cuddling with you and your mommy and spend time with you?" I ask and Rose nods and climbs onto my lap.

I wrap my arms around her, sensing that all of this seems to be a lot for her and she needs a bit of comfort before it gets overwhelming.

"That's because my love languages are mainly physical touch and quality time." I explain further and Rose looks at me confused.

"What is a love language?" She asks.

"It's the way you express your care and love for the people around you. It isn't reduced to just partners, it applies for most of the relationships I have. I also like to spend time with my mother or my siblings. It's my way of showing them that I love them and it's the way I enjoy receiving their love in return the most." I explain and Rose nods slowly.

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