Chapter 40: Happy Birthday Bug

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Working extra hours has been really exhausting and I hated that I couldn't spend as much time with Scar and Rose as usually but it was worth it. I got today off and am able to spend it with Scarlett. Since it's her birthday and I have no work, I stayed over. Also, because I assured her that I will take Rose to school so she can sleep in. And that's what I'm doing right now.

"Have a good day at school, little dolphin." I say and kiss the top of Rose's head. She smiles up at me.

"Are you gonna pick me up after school?" She asks and I nod and adjust her jacket a little.

"Yes, Mommy and I will come and pick you up. She wanted to go to a restaurant for dinner." I remind her and Rose nods.

"But are we gonna go home before that? I want to give her my present." Rose asks and plays with the strap of her backpack.

I smile and nod. I know how excited Rose is about giving Scarlett her present because I helped her with it and ever since we got it all ready, she wanted to show it to her mom. It took quite a while and kept me up a few nights because I wanted to finish it a few days before the birthday just in case anything doesn't go according to plan. When it was all done and Rose looked at it, she was super excited.

"Yes, we're gonna go home before dinner and you can give her the present then." I assure her and she smiles happily.
When she waves at me I wave back and watch her go into the building. I'm honestly excited as well to see Scarlett's reaction to Rose's present because it's really adorable.

On my way back home I stop at a florist and buy a bouquet of flowers. I have a birthday present already but you can't do anything wrong when you buy flowers for someone.
After arriving, I put the flowers into a vase and place them on the dining able. Then I set it with plates, glasses and cups before getting started on breakfast.

First, I turn on the coffee machine because if there's one thing Scarlett loves, it's when I make her coffee. Then I start to make some scrambled eggs and chop up some fruits.
I'm honestly a little surprised Scarlett isn't up yet because she woke up when I did to take care of Rose. Well, that's maybe a little much said. She opened her eyes a little and mumbled something that I didn't catch before falling back asleep.
But I assumed she would be up not long after that. I'm not complaining though because this gives me time to prepare everything.

Since it's her birthday today, she's gonna get spoiled and get everything she asks for and more. Last year I had to work on her birthday and could only make it to the party but now I'm here for the whole day and I'm planning on making her birthday one of the best days this year. Although that might be hard with the proposal and everything else that happened this year.

Since she's still not up, I decide to also make some French Toast, just so she can have multiple options. When all of that's done, I prepare her coffee and make my way upstairs. Looks like she's still asleep so I guess she needed this today.
I silently go into our bedroom and change into some more comfortable pants before crawling onto bed and closer to her.

Half her face is smushed into the pillow and her hair is all over the place. It looks really adorable though and I can't help it but to smile at that sight.
With gentle fingers I brush the hair out of her face and lean down to place a kiss on her cheek. Her lips twitch a little, so I continue to place kisses over all the parts of her face that I can reach. When she hums silently, I know she's awake and kiss her lips very softly.

They tug into a smile and she kisses me back before rolling onto her back and stretching. Her eyes are still closed and she blindly makes grabby hands at me that melt my heart.
I take her hands and kiss the back of one to show her I'm here. Her hands cup my face blindly and she pulls me closer so that I'm hovering right above her, only inches between our faces.
Then her eyes finally open and shine as brightly as they always do when she's happy and it makes my heart beat a little faster. Seeing her happy is one of the greatest things and if I spend the rest of my day trying to make her as happy as possible, I have nothing to regret.

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