Chapter 73: It's not fair

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A/n: I have been debating on whether or not to update this today because the feedback to the last two chapters was...very emotional and I honestly was anxious about any further reactions to this chapter. I hope this will help cool it down a little:

This will contain a vague spoiler but I feel like a lot of you need a little bit of comfort. If you're not one of those just skip the rest of this a/n.
I know it's heavily angsty right now but I can assure you, they'll get their happy ending. There will be fluff again and they will be happy.

Pov Rose

Everything has been weird since Mom's accident. She had to spent two more days at the hospital which I spent at grandma's house.
They asked me if I am okay with going to school and I said yes.
School distracts me a little and helps me not to think too much about the situation.

It's scary that Mom was in an accident and I don't like seeing her hurting. The doctor said she's okay though and that there are no further issues.
The only problem is that she has a bit of memory loss. She remembers me, which I'm glad about but sometimes she still forgets things even after I reminded her of them.

Grandma told me to be patient with Mom and stay calm when talking to her. I've been doing my best in doing so and feel like it's helping Mommy.
Sometimes she forgets the time or how the accident happened but other than that I haven't noticed much.
Well, except for one big thing: Mama.

Mom doesn't seem to remember her, which is weird because she loves her and she also remembers that I'm eight now.
The doctor said that can happen but there are chances that the memories will come back, it's just not sure when and how much will come back.

I imagine that to be very scary to just forget about a person and I don't understand how that's possible.
I mean, sometimes I forget my homework or that I wanted to go on a play date with someone but I never forget a whole person.

When I asked Grandma, she couldn't explain it to me either and just reminded me to be patient again.
It's just hard because I miss Mama a lot and want to see her and hug her.
She looked so sad when Mom told her to leave the room.
I think it hurt her internally.

I tried to convince Mom to let me see her that day but she said she can't handle this so I let it go.
Since I wanted to be strong in front of her, I didn't cry at the hospital but when Grandma took me to her house, I cried there.

Mommy has a lot to go through right now so I didn't want to make her worry with my crying.
Grandma held me and told me it's gonna be okay. But when I asked to talk to Mama, she said it's too late for that now and that she's probably asleep.
I didn't believe her but kept it to myself because she seemed tired too.

It's bad that Mom doesn't remember Mama because she now sees her as a stranger and I know I'm not supposed to be around strangers. That makes me really sad and I miss Mama a little more every day.

I talked to Elina in school and she hugged me and told me it's gonna be okay and that I can stay at her house if my mom's at the hospital.
That cheered me up a little and I thanked her but declined because I was staying with grandma.

My teachers have been really kind to me and said I don't have to stress too much about homework and if I don't get them done in time, that's okay.
They also offered me a talk with the student's counsel but I declined that too. I don't want to talk to a stranger about what happened, I want to talk to Mom or Mama about it.
But Mom is still recovering and doesn't seem like she wants to talk about this and Mama isn't available.

Yesterday, Mom got out of the hospital and we took her back home with us. Grandma told her to lay down while she cleaned up the house a little.
It felt weird to be in the house again without Mama because she was always here with us.
Mom laid on the couch and didn't do much. It looked like she was bored so I offered her to read something out loud.

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