Chapter 56: Sex shop

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Disclaimer: As you can read in the title, sex will be discussed in this chapter. This book contains 18+ content and I'd say this chapter may be one of those. So please be aware of that if you are underage.

I don't really know much about toys and just wrote what fits the story. Do not take this as source for information. Please educate yourself in a safe way.

Pov y/n

I don't think I've ever been this excited and giddy to go on a shopping trip.
I also never went to a shopping trip in a sex shop though. The vibrator I own is ordered from the internet.

It isn't my first time in a sex shop though, I've been in one before with my friends because we were curious but didn't buy anything.
I was younger then and thought everything was funny, which changed by now.

I'm definitely more open in terms of sex and am not ashamed of the fact that I'm having it. It's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about in the first place but at the age of 19, you still giggle about it.

"I'm not ashamed to be seen with you." Scarlett repeats for the fifth time as we stroll down the street.

I give her hand a little squeeze in reassurance because I know that. She told me the first time when she put the hat, scarf and sunglasses on before we headed out.
The scarf is pulled high up, covering most of her face and the hat is pulled down, making it impossible to recognize her. That was her goal though when she dressed up like this.
It's a good thing the sun is out today because otherwise the sunglasses wouldn't have made a lot of sense.

"I know." I tell her and lead her around a corner towards the store we picked out earlier.
We wanted to go to a store that has a bit of class, mainly to ensure that the quality of the products is good and they won't sell us crap.

"I just don't want paparazzi to be all up in our business, literally." She explains and sighs a little.

It's sweet how much she reassures me and I appreciate that a lot. I absolutely understand where she's coming from and am on the same page on this. Usually, we try not to be bothered by paparazzi, if it makes them happy to snap pictures of us on the street, they shall, as long as they don't take pictures of Rose or harass us in any way.
We can't stop them from taking pictures of us and constantly trying to avoid them is exhausting and annoying, so we decided to just let them do what they want.

But today, as we're on the way to a sex shop, we don't want them to spot us, or rather spot Scarlett.
It's not a secret that we're dating and therefore it's probably logical that we also sleep together but we really don't want Scarlett to be involved in a scandal about buying sex stuff.
It should be normal to buy sex toys, even for celebrities because they are normal people with needs as well but the media loves to make a drama out of everything and I'm honestly tired of that.
It's also not a good promotion if Scarlett is involved in a sex scandal.

That's why she disguised herself today and so far it's going very well. It's not always possible to spot all the paparazzi but even if they notice her under everything she's wearing, there's no actual proof of it being her. It could be anybody. The only connection am I but I haven't been in the media very often and I think they'd prefer a cheating-scandal over a potential-sex-toy-article. We both know I'm not cheating and that's all that matters.

"I know, my love." I tell her and smile at her which she might return but I can't tell because of the scarf.

We arrive in front of the shop and I look up at it. It's a little more discreet which I'm honestly really glad about.
I'm not a fan of the ones that you can see from a mile away because of their huge signs and sometimes pictures in the windows.

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