Chapter 84: Waffly wedded wife

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"There are so many ways to mess up a wedding."
I look up at y/n confused.

"What happened to hi, how are you?" I ask amused but she shakes her head.

We have been doing our own things for the past hour, so I haven't seen her in a bit. I was occupied answering a few e-mails while she was upstairs playing with Rose and probably doing something else because she seems a little uneasy right now and I can't place why.

She slumps down on the couch next to me and buries her head in a pillow. Her phone drops onto the couch next to her.

"What happened?" I ask, still confused.

Her behavior doesn't give any hints on what's going on so I have nothing that gives me even the slightest clue.
She groans and turns around to look at me. I gently brush the hair out of her face that fell in there when she dropped onto the couch.

"What if I mess up the wedding?" She asks with a small whine and I raise my eyebrows.

So far she seemed rather calm about the wedding. Apart from the occasional feeling of being overwhelmed by the amount of things we still needed to do but we managed that together. But this is something new because so far it was never about messing up the wedding, just about getting it ready.

"You won't mess it up." I assure her and tug a strain of hair behind her ear.

She shakes her head and crosses her legs in front of me, still seeming to worry about this. I have no clue where this is coming from but I am ready to assure her that she won't mess it up.

"But there are so many possibilities." She whines and lays her head back against the backrest.
I nod slowly, which she can't see since her eyes stare up at the ceiling.

There are things that can go wrong during a wedding but we planned everything very well and with Julie by our sides, I'm optimistic that everything will be okay.
Even if things go wrong and something gets messed up, I don't care as long as I end up marrying y/n.
Maybe that's because I already had two weddings but I don't want to think about them now. This time is different because I am more than sure that she is the right person and even though I am excited and a little nervous about the wedding, I don't worry about it.

We will be together and at the end of that day she will be my wife, the rest is just a nice bonus. A nice bonus though, that I'm looking forward too more than to the previous times.

"What got you worrying?" I ask to get to the bottom of this.
Thoughts about messing up a wedding usually don't just come to you. They were either already there or something triggered them.

"A video." Y/n admits and finally looks at me.

There's a small pout on her lips that I want to kiss away but this doesn't seem like a moment to kiss, at least not right now. I nod for her to go on because that alone doesn't tell me enough to understand.
She grabs her phone and unlocks it. I smile at the background of her phone.

It's a picture of Rose, her and me from the day of Rose's birthday this year.

She opens Instagram and taps on her phone a few times in search of the video. Once she found it, she holds her phone up to me.
It shows a man and a woman in front of a priest, probably about to get married.

Everything seems normal and the priest asks the man to repeat the following words. He does until he stumbles over the words 'lawfully wedded wife'. Instead of that he says 'waffley' which makes him chuckle and his bride snicker.
Then she bursts out laughing, throwing her head back and her laugh rings through the room.
It makes me smile at how that makes the groom smile and take the bride's hand. He takes it very well and even though he might be ashamed by his mistake, he seems more than happy to make his bride laugh this much.

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