Chapter 96: Till death do us apart

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Pov y/n 

"She's not leaving the country, she's just getting married, Mom." Bennett says and hands mom the third tissue.

I smile at her as good as I can with Jesse currently checking my make-up and Marla doing my hair. To say that my mom's a mess right now would be an understatement.
She hasn't stopped tearing up since we got into this room and she saw the dress and make-up.
I understand that though because today is a very special day and she is just so happy for me. I'm more excited, probably too much to cry right now.
Something tells me though that I might cry later on today, probably at some point during the ceremony.

Starting to get ready helped me with my nervousness because now I have something to concentrate on and don't constantly think about how nervous and excited I am.
We have gotten pretty far, my make-up is done and my hair is about to be done as well. I decided to just put on a light make-up because I've never been a fan of it and Scarlett mainly knows me without any.
We just did a bit, or rather Marla did.

It's all very delicate and if you didn't know me, you'd probably think I'm not wearing any. Marla did an amazing job and I am honestly surprised by her skills but she likes to wear light make-up and therefore has more experience than I have.
My hair is half up and half down with tiny clips of sparkling brilliants in the upper part. It's not much and I can't even see it in the mirror but I saw a picture and love it. It makes me feel very special and pretty and almost like a princess.
For the whole princess feeling there's just the dress missing but that's gonna follow soon.

I look out the window and into the blue sky. There's not a single cloud threatening to ruin today and thanks to the slight breeze, it's not too warm either, it's perfect.
And I'm really excited to see what Scarlett is wearing because I have no clue. I know Rose's flower girl dress but that's it. But if Scar's outfit is similar to Rose's, I know I will love it.

Okay, that's not true, I will love it either way and I know she'll look beautiful in it because she looks stunning in everything.

"Okay, your hair is done." Marla says and steps away to take a look. Through the mirror I can see the proud smile on her face. Mom steps closer and puts her arm around Marla.

"That looks beautiful, sweetheart." She says and almost tears up again.

"You do look amazing." Bennett agrees and walks around me to look at me from every side. I smile happily at him, feeling good with the way I look.

"Now there's only the dress missing." Jesse says and offers me his hand to help me up. I take it and look towards the small room divider we have in here.

I'm excited to put my dress on but I'm almost even more excided over the fact that Scarlett got ready in here too and that we changed into our wedding outfits in the same spot.

I take my dress and walk behind the divider with Jesse who helps me into the dress without messing up my hair or make-up. He closes the button in my back and tugs at it until the skirt is all fluffy and perfect. Looking down at myself is enough to make pure giddiness bubble up inside me.

I look amazing and can't wait to show Scarlett, knowing she will love this as much as I do.

When I step out from behind the divider, my mom gasps and covers her mouth with her hands, her eyes looking me up and down. Marla smiles widely and Bennett almost looks proud. If Scar's reaction is just half of this, I know I might cry walking down the aisle.

"You look...amazing." Marla whispers and Jesse lifts my hand to make me twirl around. The skirt dances around my legs beautifully and I feel this deep excitement and contentment inside me. This is the princess feeling I was talking about. This is exactly how I wanted to feel at least once in my life and what day could be better than my wedding day?

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