Chapter 88: Feeling young

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One of the best things about being in LA are definitely the friends we have around here. The ones in New York are great as well but here we have more friends that know Rose and want to spend time with her.
Sure, back home we have Scarlett's family but that's a little different. And don't get me wrong, I love spending time with Rose but it's also nice to have a day without her every once in a while.

Today is one of those days because Florence said she wanted to take Rose for the day. She wouldn't tell us what she has planned, the only information that slipped is that they will go to a huge playground.
Rose was really excited because she loves spending time with Flo, which doesn't happen often but sometimes. They saw each other a few times but always got along because Flo was always goofy and played with Rose. It's really cute to watch them and I love their dynamic.

Sometimes Flo might even be a little goofier than I am but that's simply due to the bit of age difference.
She picked up Rose this morning after breakfast and told us she'll bring her back at some point this evening. We trust her so we agreed to that and wished them a lot of fun.

I've been out on the balcony since then, reading in my book or just lazily laying in the sun. It's nice to enjoy the weather the whole day and not just in the afternoon after work. The sun is less aggressive in the morning and I don't feel like it's gonna burn every part of me.
Right now I'm just laying on my back, my arms hanging off the side of the chair and my legs slightly spread so they don't touch and get all warm and sweaty. Sun and heat always make me lazy and I just want to do nothing all day.

Okay, that's not quite true, I do think about going for a swim later on since my period is luckily over now and I feel like cooling myself off.
It makes me think back to the camping at the beach and I smile. That was a lot of fun, even though my back was killing me the next day because the sand wasn't as soft as I hoped. But it was totally worth it.

A shadow darkens the sun and I open my eyes to be met with the beautiful sight of my fiancée.

"Hey bug." I greet her and she smiles softly before sitting on the lounger next to me.

"Did you remember to put on sunscreen?" She checks and I give her a thumbs up. I might forget it most of the time but I didn't today.

There's a small frown on her face that makes me sit up properly. Slowly though because otherwise I would have gotten dizzy. I turn to face her and search for her eyes or any other sign for this frown.

"Does our age difference bother you?" She asks and looks up at me.

I'm totally thrown off by that because that's the last question I expected right now. I thought it was something about the wedding or the bachelorette party but not this. We talked about it a few times in the beginning of our relationship but after that it never came up anymore.
Sure, there was some teasing in both directions but that's it. I never saw it as an issue at all because we get along and are happy together.

"Not at all. Why?" I assure her and watch her reaction closely.

There are multiple reasons for this coming up now and maybe they aren't a big deal but I don't know for sure and in case it is a big deal, I want to make sure I understand what's the main issue right now. Scar gave me the impression that it doesn't bother her either, so I assumed the topic is off the table but it looks like it isn't.

She shrugs and fidgets with her fingers.
"It's just... you're always so playful and goofy and I don't know when the last time was that I did anything stupid. Not that I think what you do is stupid know? I'm always so responsible and I'm worried that's boring for you." She admits and looks at her hands.

Once a StrangerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora