Chapter 70: Pregnancy test

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Pov y/n

I've gotten a little paranoid over the past few days. My period should have come but it didn't.

It's nothing unusual for it to be a little late but with us trying to get pregnant and the last failed attempt, I'm twice as nervous about it.
There are two options here: it's still about to come and I'm not pregnant or it doesn't come and I'm pregnant.

But that's exactly what makes me paranoid because I don't know if it'll come just as random as the last time. There is a chance of that happening and I don't want to stain anything in the office. I did put a pad in, just to be sure but I'm still paranoid.

Scar doesn't know about this yet because it felt to soon to really say anything. Besides, she'll know when my period comes because my mood will change.
It feels unnecessary to update her every single day. That would only make me even more nervous too if I'm being honest. This way I just continue with my days as usual and see what happens or what doesn't.

But concentrating gets difficult when my period is five days late.
Usually, when it's late, it's only two or three days late but never this much.
I look down, as if that would give anything away.
Even if I was pregnant, I wouldn't be showing.
But just the thought of a baby growing in there makes me excited and I start to get my hopes up again.

We made sure that nothing would leak out the last time and we also tracked my ovulation perfectly. It was all up to my body and right now it's looking pretty good.

I put one hand over my abdomen, mindlessly caressing it as if that would tell me if I'm pregnant.
It certainly would be nice to feel a baby bump growing and knowing we'll have another child with us in nine months.

The thought of Scarlett with a new born baby in her arms makes me smile. I never saw her with a new born baby but I can only imagine how sweet it would be and how incredible she'd be as a mother.
She already is but a newborn is a whole different thing.

I let my thoughts travel further and imagine Rose holding the baby for the first time. Even more excitement fills my body at that and I truly wish to witness that one day. She'd be a really great big sister, I know it. Such a big age difference can be difficult but something tells me that Rose will love her sibling no matter what.

"Are you okay, y/n?"
I look up at see Brooke looking at me.

"Yeah, I just spaced out for a few seconds." I assure her and pull my hand away from my stomach. Her eyes stay on me for a few more moments before she nods.

"Good thing we get to go home a little earlier today then." She says and I smile and nod.

There's some conference today that we don't need to attend, so we're allowed to leave sooner. That'll give me time to relax at home and maybe prepare a nice dinner for all of us.
Usually, Scar does that because she gets off slightly earlier but today I could surprise them.
I could make a fancy dinner or...I could make dino nuggets with potatoes and broccoli.

My inner child would surely be happier about the second option because I could make it look like a volcano with trees and dinos around. Don't judge me, I like to be silly with my food sometimes.
The last time we had a meal like this, Rose absolutely loved it and so did I.
It was hard to tell if Scar liked it too or if she just enjoyed watching us play with the food.
There definitely was a constant smile on her face though.

Either way, this feels like a win and I decide to do that today. I might have to go to the store for that but that's not an issue, I got time.

What turns out to be an issue is getting the pregnancy thought out of my head though.
No matter what I do, it's still in my head and so is the image of Rose and Scarlett with a newborn baby.
I would love it if this try actually worked and so far it's looking quite promising, if this isn't just my period being late again.

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