Chapter 118: Mom-Rose-Day

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Pov y/n

The feeling of being looked at makes me stir awake from my sleep.

It's dark in the room, so probably the middle of the night. My brain doesn't quite follow and for a second I'm just hazy from sleep. When I turn my head to the side, I jump and nearly scream. My heart pounds in my chest like crazy and I have to take a deep breath.

"Rosie, sweetie, what are you doing here?" I ask, trying to cover up that she just scared me shitless.

"I had a nightmare." She whispers, her voice quivering a little.
My heart instantly softens and I feel bad for her. I sit up and pad the matrass next to me before lifting my blanket up. She climbs into bed and snuggles into the blanket next to me. I put my arm around her and let her process and hug me.

"What was the nightmare about?" I ask gently and brush some hair out of her face.

She looks messy, her hair wild and all over. It looks like she was turning a lot in her sleep which makes me feel even worse for her. I wish there was something I could do to protect her from nightmares but I can't. All I can do is be by her side and comfort her afterwards.

Rose glances over to Scarlett before leaning back into me.
"I dreamt that Mommy was pregnant with the baby and at first everything was okay but then people showed up." She tells me and her voice gets a little heavier.

"What kind of people?" I ask softly and look down at her. Rose shrugs and rubs at her eyes, a pretty clear indicator that she is going to cry soon. It breaks my heart that this nightmare hit her so hard.

"I don't know but they were really mean to Mommy and said they will take the baby away with them. You were there too and told them that they can't have the baby. Then they looked at me and said that they can take me away too. I started crying and told them I'm happy and won't be taken away from you." She continues and a few first tears drop down from her face. I hug her and pull her onto my lap. She leans into me and wipes a few tears away.

"You told them they can't have me and protected me. But they still wanted the baby. Mommy said they can't have it but they didn't care and took the baby from her. Her tummy was all flat suddenly and the baby was in the people's arms." Her body starts shaking with a few sobs and I cradle her closer.

That's really a horrible dream and if I would have had that, I probably would have cried too. Just the thought of someone taking away our baby makes me sad. But rationally, I know they can't just do that.
I rock from side to side with Rose in my arms and soothingly brush over her back.

"It's okay, baby. You are here now and you're safe. Mommy is doing very well and the baby is still there. No one will come and get it and no one will come and get you either." I assure her and kiss her temple.

As much as I worry about Scarlett sometimes, I know that she is taking care of herself and the baby and that we're all good. If something was wrong, the doctor would have told us or we would have noticed already.

"Is her baby bump still there?" Rose asks, her voice muffled by my shirt.

"Yes, it is." I answer but she doesn't seem convinced and looks over to Scarlett.
"Is Mommy okay?"

"Mommy is more than okay. She's doing good." I promise and kiss her again.

I glance over to Scarlett as well and see her stirring awake. A part of me hoped she would stay asleep and get a good rest but the other part of me is glad she's waking up. After this nightmare, she might be the only person who can calm down Rose.

"What's going on?" She asks tiredly and looks from Rose to me.

"Rose had a nightmare in which someone took away the baby from you." I explain, so Rose doesn't have to retell the whole dream. She nods.

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