Chapter 93: One day left

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Pov y/n

I wake up to a hand softly caressing my stomach and smile, keeping my eyes closed. Last night was definitely fun but I might should have drunken less because I can already feel a slight headache approaching. It will be gone by tomorrow though and that's the only thing I care about.

"The next time we wake up together, it will be our wedding day." I mumble and open my eyes to look into the beautiful green ones of my almost-wife.

"I know and I can't wait for tomorrow to come." She replies and kisses the tip of my nose.

I smile contently and close my eyes against, nuzzling my head into her neck. Her skin is soft and warm against mine and just laying here feels intimate and I feel so close to her that I never want to get up.

Eventually, we have to get up today because we promised Rose to visit her today and tell her all about tomorrow and when she will see us again.
Since tomorrow will be a very exciting day and we already have a lot to think about, Mom offered to watch Rose tonight as well and take her with them to the venue, giving Scarlett and me a free morning just between the two of us. I'm very thankful for that because I'm not sure I will be able to think about anything else than getting married tomorrow. This way we don't risk forgetting anything for Rose or Rose herself, even though I doubt we could actually do that.

We will meet them at the venue anyway since Mom is partly helping me to get ready and my siblings will ride with her so it's not at all a problem to take Rose with them. Still, we wanted to see Rose again today and spend a bit of time with her since she won't see us at all until tomorrow otherwise.
It's a big day for her too and I know she's excited about it because her moms are getting married and we're gonna be officially one family with me taking their last name.

Just to make sure she is good for tomorrow, we want to tell her the schedule and where she will find us and who she'll stay with while we are getting ready or greeting guests.
Since she is a part of the wedding too, the flower girl, she needs to know when her entrance is. Scarlett and I settled on her walking in first, so Rose will go before her and if anything is wrong, Scar can help her.
She said she wants to experience seeing me walking down the aisle and I thought that was very cute.

After that we'll have the ceremony, the reception and everything else before we're gonna come back here and spend the first night as a married couple together. I do have a little wedding gift for her but I don't want to give it to her in front of everyone else. It's a private and intimate gift and I know she will love it, even though we agreed that we won't get each other something for the wedding.
Well, we didn't exactly agree on that, we just decided that it doesn't make sense to buy each other expensive gifts when the actual gift is getting married. I also don't need a gift to be happy tomorrow, it will be an incredibly amazing day either way.

"We got everything ready for tomorrow?" I check and roll onto her halfway, smudging my face into her shoulder and draping my arm over her stomach while my leg rests above hers. Naked cuddles are definitely the best kind of cuddles, no doubt.

"Yes we do." She answers and waves her hand softly through my hair, making me hum contently.

I truly wouldn't mind staying like this forever and maybe during our honeymoon we will spend a whole day in bed just cuddling and enjoying being close to each other.

"We got our outfits, the bouquets, the rings and us." She counts off and I smile against her skin, leaving a few kisses along her shoulder.

"And flashcards for the vows." I add and she chuckles and kisses the top of my head.

"Yes, and those." She agrees and I lean my head back against her.

I know what I want to say but I also know that in exciting moments my brain tends to think really fast and chaotic and it's hard to talk fast enough to follow all those thoughts.
The last thing I want is to mess up my vow because I want to tell her everything I feel because she deserves to hear and know it. If I messed up, I know she wouldn't mind but I still want to do my parts to make tomorrow the best day of our lives.

Once a StrangerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora