Chapter 67: Cake tasting

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Pov y/n

Always having a partner in crime is probably one of the best things about having a daughter.

Especially, because Rose is always up to being mischievous with me.

Scarlett has to work an hour longer today, so I am responsible for picking up Rose today.
Last night I already told her about my idea to prank her mom and she instantly agreed.
This morning I was a little worried she would accidentally let it slip with how excited she was but she didn't.

Maybe it made Scar a little suspicious but she didn't say anything.

Should I be pranking my fiancée? Probably not but it's the first of April so she should expect it.
I wouldn't do this on any other day because I don't want her to lose trust in me but this one time it has to be okay.

"Which one do you want?" I ask and point to the different options. Rose looks over all of them thoughtfully.

"I don't think Mommy will believe it if I have one that's too big." She points out and I agree with her on that. There isva big chance she won't buy this at all but we don't need to up the chances by making it unbelievable.

"I like this one." Rose decides and points to the black widow symbol.

That does seem like something she would get. Maybe not later on but surely at the moment.

"Alright." I agree and pull the tattoo off it's little hanger.

I thought it'd be funny to prank Scarlett and letting her believe Rose got a real tattoo.
Like I said, that's very unlikely but if we do it well, maybe she buys it for a second.

And if not, well then Rose got a tattoo that'll wash off after a few days.
I'm aware that she's just a child but I figured maybe if I'm with her, someone might agree to tattoo her.
Okay, the plan isn't the most logical one but it's also just for fun.

We go to the check out and I pay for the tattoo so we can head home.
There's still half an hour left before Scar comes home, so we have to start our plan now.
Rose quickly changes into a t-shirt, so the tattoo can be seen and then we start preparing everything.

She watches happily as I put the tattoo onto her upper arm and wet it with a cloth.

"If you decide you don't want it anymore, you can just wash it off." I remind her and she nods.

Just because I think this is funny, doesn't mean she has to want to run around with this tattoo the whole week until it starts to come off.
She's on board with this plan and agreed to it but I still want her to know that she can always decide to wash it off.

I also assure her that it's totally okay if she doesn't feel comfortable with the prank anymore and wants to tell Scar that it's just a joke.
Sometimes it can lead to a guilty feeling when you prank someone and I won't let Rose be stuck in that. If she feels the need to be honest, I won't be mad at her at all.

Once the tattoo seems to stick to her skin, I gently remove the paper and blow against it so it dries faster.

"Does it look cool?" Rose asks and turns a little to see herself in the mirror. Her eyes grow big when she sees the tattoo and she grins happily.

"It does." I confirm and grab the tattoo paper to throw it away.
"Now we only need to let it dry a little and put cling film over it."

We do exactly that and I make sure it's not to tight. Then the hardest part comes: waiting.
I told Rose to go upstairs so I could call her in later on.
The moment I hear the keys in the door, I get excited but try to act as normal as possible.

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