Chapter 65: A skincare brand?

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Pov y/n

It's the first really nice day in a long time and Rose immediately ran outside after coming home. I love how much energy she has and how much she loves playing outside.

Scarlett made some little sandwiches as snacks before we're gonna have dinner in a few hours. I had to answer to some e-mails for work, so I sat at the kitchen isle and worked on that.
Now I'm done though and miss being close to my fiancée.

I get up and walk around the isle to stand behind her and wrap my arms around her waist while she is doing the dishes. My help would probably be appreciated but right now I just want to hold her and not do any chores.

"How was your day?" I ask and watch as she cleans the knife she used to make the sandwiches.

"It was good, even though we didn't do a lot of filming." She answers, not seeming to mind me clinging to her.

"What did you do instead?" I ask and kiss the side of her neck.

"Training. There are a couple of harder stunt-scenes coming up and they need to prepare me for those. For the hardest ones I have stunt doubles but there are a handful that I'm gonna do myself." She tells me, sounding really excited about it.

I'm happy for her. To be honest, I never really thought much about what she has to do on set other than acting but in an action movie it's obvious that there will be stunts she has to do. Looking back to when I watched some of her other movies, it definitely makes sense that she has to do some of the stunts herself because depending on the angle of the camera, her face is visible and it'd be weird to have the face of a stunt double on the screen instead of her real one.

"What are those stunts?" I ask and rest my chin on her shoulder.

"There's one fight scene and one scene where my character jumps from a helicopter onto a roof." She tells me and I hum, that sounds really exciting.

 "There are probably gonna be more since we only shot calmer scenes so far. Stunts just always take so long to shoot and are exhausting but also a lot of fun." She tells me and I smile.

I love hearing about her job and her day in general. Even if she did the most boring things I'd still be interested in that because I'm interested in her.
It's the same thing with Rose. I don't care if she tells me a story for the third time, I will still happily listen to her and pretend as if I didn't know how it ended.

"How was your-" She's cut off by the ringing of a phone which isn't mine.

I let go of her so she can grab the phone but when she looks down at her wet and foam-covered hands, I grab the phone out from her back pocket.
Before accepting the call, I show her the screen and she nods. I take the call and hold the phone up to her ear.

"Hey, it's Scarlett." She greets the other person while reaching for a towel to dry her hands with.

When they're dry, she takes the phone from me and mouthes a 'thank you' into my direction before walking away to get some privacy.

I continue the dishes since she's now otherwise occupied and it would be a little mean to just let them be when I have not much else to do.

Once everything is clean, I dry it off and put it away. Scar is still on the phone, so I walk outside and slip on my outdoor shoes that are waiting next to the door. Rose is happily playing something by herself and I watch her with a happy smile.

I love playing with her but I also love watching her play by herself. Hopefully, she'll soon be able to play with a little sibling.
Although, soon might be the wrong word because it will take at least another nine months if I get pregnant on the next try.

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