Chapter 121: Rough night

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Pov y/n

Pregnancy is not always easy. Especially not when you're in your 31st week of pregnancy. Scarlett is really showing by now and has a bit of trouble getting up from the couch. She gets a little easier irritated and her cravings have gotten weirder. But I'm with her through all of that and will be by her side through it all.
We got only nine weeks left until the baby is born, that's not long anymore. I'm looking forward to the birth but at the same time I'm a little worried because I know it isn't pleasant and Scarlett will be in pain. All I can do is hold her hand and encourage her but I can't take the pain away or make it easier for her.

At the moment she's handling all of it pretty well though and only gets emotional when something isn't going the way she wants it to.
The other day she started crying because she was craving ice cream and when I brought her some from the freezer, she looked at me and then back at the ice cream. The tears were a big surprise to me and at first I didn't know what just happened. It turned out, she wanted a different flavor and was looking forward to that.

I can't blame her for getting upset over that, I would have too, minus the crying though. After I went out and bought the right flavor, she was perfectly fine again and happy. Whenever she is happy, she seems to glow even more. The pregnancy seems to do good for her and sometimes I catch myself watching her for multiple minutes, just admiring every part of her. She looks so amazing with the baby bump and her skin is so clear and glowing.

Another thing I appreciate, and I mean that very respectfully, is the fact that her boobs grew. It fits so well with the image of her pregnancy and if I could, I would like to enjoy this for a while longer.
Nine weeks are quite a long time but I know that from now on it will only get more exhausting for her and I don't like that part.

There's a lot of shuffling that wakes me up and I rub at my eyes before trying to see what's going on. Scarlett is turning around again, shifting her weight from one side to the other. But that only lasts for a few seconds before she changes positions again.

"Do you want your pregnancy pillow?" I ask, my mind still half asleep.

"I can't find it." She replies back, almost sounding desperate.

Against the wish of my tired body, I sit up and look around the room. Turning on the lights feels too brutal right now, so I don't.
The pillow fell off the end of the bed, however it landed there. I push the blanket off me and crawl to grab it. Scarlett takes it and gets comfortable.

I'm glad the pillow helps her find a comfortable position to sleep in but it's taking up a lot of space in our bed. Sometimes it feels like it's trying to push me off the bed. But I won't say anything because Scarlett already told me multiple times that it helps her so much to find a comfortable position to sleep in.

"Thank you." She whispers and I smile tiredly and lay back down. Only a few moments later, I'm fast asleep again. That is until I feel the bed shifting again and whine internally. I just want to sleep.

"Is the pillow lost again?" I mumble, too tired to open my eyes this time.

"No, I just need to pee." Scarlett replies and I nod and snuggle back into my pillow. I drift off to sleep for about four minutes before she comes back to bed and gets comfortable again. It's a good thing tomorrow is Saturday. Otherwise I'd be a zombie at work the next day.

People say the third time's the charm. Well, not if it's about waking up three times in one night. Or rather being woken up by your wife three times in a row. I haven't looked at the clock before but it feels like I barely got any sleep between the single times. It's hard to suppress the groan but I know it's not her fault for having a hard night too.

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