Chapter 110: Late night drive thru

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"Be careful and promise me to treat yourself like I would." I say. My arms are wrapped around Scarlett's body, my face buried in her hair, the smell of lavender filling my nose.

"I will be very careful, don't worry." She promises and hugs me a little tighter.

"Text me when I need to pick you back up." I tell her and pull back to look into her eyes. She nods and cups my cheek with one hand.

"I will." She assures me and leans forward to place a soft kiss on my lips. I smile against her lips and let out a small breath of relief.

"Okay, good. Now, be safe."
Scarlett chuckles softly and lets go of me.

"I'll see you in a few days." She says and waves. I wave back and as she walks away, my heart grows a little heavier.

It's really just a week but saying goodbye always sucks. At least she isn't far away, just about two hours with the train. I told her that they can do the photoshoots and interviews here as well but apparently they can't, so she has to travel up state to do so.
Compared to her usual travels, this is nothing but I'm still going to miss her this week.

The doors of the train close and I watch as she sits down in her reserved window seat and smile. Knowing she'll get there safe is all I care about.
It didn't sit right with me that she had to travel at all and then alone but no matter how much I thought about it, I never came up with an alternate resolution.

If I could, I would travel with her but I can't and we also can't take Rose out of school for a week for this. Like I said, we had longer times where we didn't see each other. Back then she wasn't my wife though or pregnant for that matter. All I wanna do is care for her and the baby during the pregnancy but that's not possible from far away.
At least, we are in the same time zone this time, so we can chat pretty much all the time.

There's a whistling and the train slowly starts rolling. I wave at Scarlett, following the train. She waves back and throws me an air kiss that I catch and give back.
The train gets faster and I can't really keep up anymore, so I stop and watch as it leaves the station.

Rose was sad that she couldn't take her mom to the train station with me but she had to be at school at 8 and the train leaves at 8:45, so it didn't really work. We dropped her off together though and she hugged her mom and told her to be careful with the baby in her belly. Scarlett promised to be careful and gave Rose a long and loving hug before kissing her. That seemed to be enough for a goodbye and Rose waved at us before running off to the building where some of her friends were already waiting.

It's gonna be just her and me this week but I'm very positive that we can tackle that, we've done it before and that for longer periods of time than six nights.

When the last part of the train leaves the station, I turn around to head outside to the car. My phone vibrates inside my pocket, so I pull it out.

Wifey: I love you, angel <3

I instantly smile and stop walking so I can reply. It's sweet that the first thing she does after being on the train is texting me. It makes my heart flutter and my cheeks feel warm.

Me: I love you too, bug <3
Make sure to drink enough water and take your time in the morning, you know that helps with your morning sickness. And don't forget to eat enough veggies and fruits

Wifey: I know and I will drink enough and eat my veggies and fruits. And you remember to hang up the laundry when we're talking about chores ;)

I groan but laugh and send back an emoji that rolls its eyes.
Hanging up laundry isn't much fun but I definitely need to do that this afternoon. Since I've been taking over more chores around the apartment, against Scarlett's will because she says she's still very capable, I started to hate doing laundry. It was more Scarlett's chore so far while I did the dishes and vacuumed but now I have to do it more often.
But that's fine if it helps her to stay relaxed. I'm just glad her morning sickness got better and barely ever occurs now. She only gets sick when she's too stressed or in a hurry in the morning, so we've been doing our best to avoid that.

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