Chapter 49: Sauna

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The next two days go by pretty fast. We spend most of the time outside and skiing. I'm getting the hang of it and it actually starts to be fun, especially since I managed to reduce my falls to around three to five each day which feels like an okay number.

Scarlett is telling me I'm doing amazing and it makes me happy to hear that. The frustration that built up during the first two days passed but isn't quite gone yet because every time I fall, I still get a little annoyed with myself.
But I try to remind myself that it's okay because I'm not doing this really long and just started learning it.
Besides, mistakes are human and everybody does them.

One thing that got a lot easier though is getting up after a fall. Mainly because I fell so much and at some point just learned how to get up but that's not the point. Scarlett isn't by my side all the time anymore, which I'm okay with. She also got Rose to look after, especially when the slopes are longer and we can't overview all of it.
In case of an emergency I am able to help myself but Rose might not be so it's just a safety precaution.

We're still on the easy slopes but Rose and Scarlett don't complain about it. I honestly wouldn't have known how to handle it if it was otherwise because we can't let Rose go alone but I also don't want to be alone on the hill.
This way we all have our fun and I don't have to force myself to go down a hill that I'm not ready for.

What I am ready for are the sticks though because we reintroduced them once I learned how to ski properly enough. It is indeed a little easier with them because they help with balance but I'm glad I learned skiing without them because that would have been too much right from the start.

One thing I haven't really gotten the hang of are the different lifts though. They don't have the conveyor-belt-lifts here, only pommel lifts and anchor lifts. The latter being an absolute nightmare and I refused to take it after falling off and making a bit of a fool out of myself. It's much harder to keep your balance on those things and I really don't need to be anxious about getting up the hill when getting down is already a challenge sometimes.

We eat lunch either in one of the cottages that are near each lift or back at the resort because they offer lunch too.
In the evening we have dinner and a calm time together in our suite because we're all exhausted from the long day. I never practiced much sport other than swimming and doing it now for at least six hours a day is just exhausting.

But I'm not the only one feeling this way because Scarlett also seems quite tired at the end of each day. What makes it a little harder are my muscles which are a little sore and the bruises I got from falling. They're not bad and barely hurt but it does add to me being tired at the end of the day.

One evening we all had enough energy for a little walk and enjoyed the way the street lamps reflected on the snow. This time I didn't throw Rose into the snow because I just wanted to have a nice time with the both of them without goofing around.

We've been really blessed with the weather because so far it was always either sunny or a little cloudy but never too windy and it also never rained or rather snowed.

Until this afternoon.
It started snowing right after lunch and got pretty intense so we decided to stay inside, not wanting to risk anything.

Since we saw the weather forecast last night, we knew about the coming snow and made sure to plan this afternoon. Rose wanted to try the children entertainment program which Scarlett and I were more than happy about because entertaining a seven-year-old with barely any toys after she is used to being worn out outside everyday wouldn't have been easy.

We didn't just book the entertainment for Rose though, we also booked a private sauna and the following ice bath. It's something I'm really looking forward to if I'm being honest.
Not because we're gonna have some time to ourselves, that too, but mainly because my muscles can relax and I hope to get some of the soreness out of my body.

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