Chapter 15: Last Day

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A/n: Decided to post this before my lecture starts, so I'm looking forward to your comments after the lecture :)

Pov y/n 

"Let's go to the beach -each, let's go get a wave. They say what they gonna say." I sing and move my head from side to side with the rhythm of the song.
Rose looks up at me, almost a little confused about what I'm doing.

"It's a song from Nicki Minaj." I explain, which doesn't help her either.
"I think it's from 2012."

Rose gives me a look.
"I wasn't even born then." She deadpans and I scrunch up my face, right.

"How does it continue?" She asks and I shrug.

"I don't know, that's all the lyrics I know." I answer and she tilts her head in confusion.

"You only know two sentences but who made it and from when it is?" She asks and I nod, having to admit that that doesn't make a lot of sense. Rose shakes her head and accepts it.

"It's just a song to get into a good mood." I explain and start skipping a little.

"Let's go to the beach -each, let's go get a wave. They say what they gonna say." I sing again and this time Rose doesn't question it and instead takes the hand I'm offering her and skips with me, matching my energy.

Pov Scarlett

I watch my two girls skip ahead and smile. Seeing them interact is something I always love seeing.
Y/n has this playful, childish side to her that I absolutely adore.

We come to a crosswalk and when there's no car, y/n jumps onto the first white strip. Rose jumps with her and giggles when y/n says something to her. They jump from one white stripe to the next one and by the sounds of it have a lot of fun doing so.

I follow them, ignoring the stripes. I honestly don't mind not being a part of this. Of course, I love spending time with the two of them but I also love seeing y/n and Rose interact on their own.

Their bond has grown so much in the last few weeks and I couldn't be happier about it. With y/n adopting Rose, it'll be official but she has been her Mama long before that.
They just enjoy their time together and goof around and have fun. At the same time, y/n teaches Rose things and participates in parenting the best she can.

Since Rose is already seven, I have taught her a lot so far but there are always new situations and seeing y/n handle them makes my heart all fluttery and happy.
She isn't just playing with Rose, she is also raising her the best she can. Some people might be jealous of their partner spending so much time alone with their child but I know that Rose loves me and likes spending time with me as well.

Right now, y/n is still relatively new in her life and therefore more exciting than me because she has known me since she was born and we have a routine.

We're currently on the best way to creating a routine with y/n as well and I'm loving every second of it and can't wait until we found one. Sure, many people would probably say it's boring if you have a routine but I prefer to view it as a sign that you're around each other and that you work together even when you're not on a date or doing something exciting.

A relationship is always exciting at first but I know from many talks with my friends that the moment you move in together and being around each other becomes normal, the relationship loses its spark. I'm no expert in stuff like that and can't say what that means for the relationship or the people in it but I know that I love even the boring moments with y/n.

We arrive at the beach where we were headed and search for a free spot. Since it's Saturday and the weather is good, it's quite full.
Y/n continues to hold Rose's hand, so she won't get lost. Her other hand reaches back into my direction and I smile and take her hand as well.

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