Chapter 7: Going away

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A/n: I had a few problems with editing and uploading today but now it should be all good.

Pov y/n

"Florida again?" Scarlett asks while we drive through the city.

"Yeah, but this time not at the coast." I answer. Today, my boss told me and the team that he needs one of us down in Florida next week to collect some samples and talk over some results with a research facility there.

Honestly, when I started this job, I didn't expect to be traveling this much. It does make sense to compare different samples to analyze them but still. The company isn't really big so far, which makes me wonder what possibilities we'd have if it was bigger.

Maybe we'd be able to get jobs on the west coast or even in a different continent. That would be really amazing! But that's not the essence of the job. I'm doing this to help rescue and save marine animals. Maybe flying across the country isn't really the best way of helping them, since that always causes co2.

Either way, I'm kinda happy to get the opportunity to see some more of this country. The only downside is having to leave Scarlett and Rose. It would only be a week but still. Not being with them always makes me a little sad and my last work trip wasn't even that long ago.

Our boss didn't specify who has to fly there, so I don't have to go but I would like to. I've only been to Florida once and that didn't turn out so well. And as much as I loved the coast and ocean, I'd like to see some more of Florida because I'm sure, there's more to see than just beaches.

"When would you go?" Scarlett asks.

"Today's Wednesday, right?" I ask back and she nods.

"They need someone there on Monday next week, so the flight would be around afternoon on Sunday."

She hums and concentrates on the street. I watch her and try to figure out what's going on in her head. Scar would never be mad at me for going away for a job but I would understand if she was a little disappointed or sad that I'm leaving once again for a week. Well, if I decide to go and not one of the others.

But her expression doesn't tell me a lot about what's going on inside her head, leaving me guessing. Since her features are relaxed though, I would guess that she is taking this rather well.
"It's for a week?" She asks and I nod, I already mentioned that before. She parks the car in front of a house and I glance at my watch. We're a few minutes too early to pick up Rose.

"My last day at set is on Friday." She thinks out loud and turns off the engine. I unbuckle my seatbelt and turn to look at her. Her hands are still resting on the steering wheel but aren't holding it anymore.

"I know, we wouldn't have much time together before I'd leave." I say with a small sigh.

Since we're both working currently, we only get the afternoon and evenings together, as well as most of the weekends. But even then, she sometimes has to do work and Rose is also always around. Not that I mind Rose being around, I love her, it just doesn't leave much time for just the two of us.

"That's true but not what I was thinking about." She hums and looks at me thoughtfully. I can almost see her processing an idea she's having.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask, not wanting to guess any longer because it'll just make me nervous. I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions and don't have to talk them over with someone else but I still like to talk to Scarlett about them. We're together after all and spend a lot of time together, it just feels fair to let her know what's going on in my life.

Her thinking makes me nervous because I'm worried, she might prefer having me here, which I totally understand and wouldn't mind either but I would really like exploring more of Florida.

"Rose's summer vacation ends in around three weeks..." She says slowly, still thinking. I nod and slowly but surely, her statements seem to piece together in my head. My eyes grow bigger as I look at her. When she returns the look, a soft smile plays around her lips.

"Are you saying..." I ask, trailing off, a little unsure I might have understood her words wrong.

"That we're gonna join you on your work trip? Yes, that's what I'm saying." She smiles and I feel a wave of happiness wash over me at her words. I hug her, as good as possible over the console between us.

"Only if you want us to go with you, of course." She adds and brushes her hand over my hair. I pull away to look at her.

"Are you kidding me? Of course, I want you to join me, that would be so perfect!" I tell her excitedly.

Having them with me in Florida would be amazing. I'd get to do my job and explore another state while still being able to see my girls. During the day, I would have to be at work but we'd get the afternoon and evenings together.

"But how would that go in terms of traveling and hotel? My company will pay for my flight and the accommodation but that's probably not gonna be big enough for the three of us." I think out loud. Scarlett waves it off and unbuckles her seatbelt as well.

"I can pay for mine and Rose's flight and maybe we can talk to your company about booking a bigger hotel room and I'll just pay the difference." She offers. I hum in thought. I'm aware that this isn't a big deal to her moneywise, I'm just still not sure, how I feel about her spending money on things that concern me.

This money would be spent on her and Rose, I know that but she would spend it because of me, to go to Florida with me. As if she can read my thoughts, she takes my hand.

"The trip would be a vacation for Rose and I, it wouldn't be money thrown out of the window. And before you say anything, even if I wouldn't see it as a vacation, it'd still be worth it because we get to spend time with you." She assures me and gives my hand a little squeeze. I smile a little at her words. It's crazy, how good she already knows me and how easy it is for her to guess what's on my mind.

It makes communicating easier because I don't have to explain my point of view every time because she already knows how I feel about it. It's also the other way around though. I've gotten quite good at reading her expressions and guessing her thoughts about certain topics.

"I can ask my boss about it. But I also have to talk to Brooke, Jordan and Brendon about it, maybe they want to go to Florida too and only one of us is supposed to go." I explain and she nods.

"Of course, you talk it through with your team and boss and we'll figure the rest out after having the results of those talks."

I nod and smile. My hand raises to her face and I cup her cheek with one hand. She instantly leans into my touch, making my chest tingle sweetly.

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