Chapter 105: Hands off!

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The honeymoon was really amazing and I loved every single day of it.
The calm days were just as amazing as the eventful ones and in total I would call it a success.

It was great seeing how excited y/n got over the sea right in front of the cabin and sometimes when I was reading or cooking, she would go for a swim in the ocean, or rather a dive.
It's very impressive, how long she can hold her breath. I mean, it's part of her job but she gets an air tank there as well. Compared to me, she can hold it twice as long and sometimes that made me worry because I couldn't tell if she was still diving or if she might be drowning.

But it turned always out to be diving and she came up with a super happy face, which made me happy.
I'd say the past two weeks were definitely two of the best weeks in my life so far. I've had other great times but this is definitely up there, along with the wedding of course.
I was never this happy and long term excited over a wedding, I have to be honest. But no matter how great the honeymoon is, I'm also looking forward to go back to our daily routine because I like to share that with her too.

We don't always have to do something big for the day to be special. Sometimes a day on the couch with a book and some games is just as amazing.
I'm also looking forward to see Rose again, especially after she missed us last week. We called her two more times since then to make sure she is okay and one time we even got to read her a goodnight story, well y/n did, I was still sleeping but she wanted to be up early to dive in the ocean and call Rose. It was really sweet and I couldn't be happier about their bond.

When we left the cabin today I was almost a little sad that we had to leave but I will take the memories with me and maybe we get to take Rose and the new baby on a vacation to Tenerife one day. Not this cabin though because it's too small and I'm not sure I could live there without getting at least a little bit horny at all the memories we made there.

Y/n was pretty tired when we got up to go to the airport and so was I. Our flight is really long again and I'm thankful we booked an overnight plane. It doesn't fly overnight but the seats still transform into beds and are wider than on common planes.
Being seated in a normal plane seat would have been uncomfortable with a flight this long. We considered flying to New York City and meeting Rose there but we didn't want her to have to go on a plane with anyone else but us. Besides, we wouldn't have known who could have flown with her since Lizzie is pregnant and not allowed to fly anymore. It's better we pick her up and fly with her, also because we still have some luggage in LA that we need to take to New York with us.

After checking in and going through security, we waited for our flight to be called and got on board. Y/n seemed pretty tired since we had to wake up at 5 am and usually sleep in at least three hours longer.
Her feet were dragging over the floor as we entered the plane but I didn't comment on it because I get it.

Once we found our seats and the plane took off, she transformed hers into a bed and I did the same. She cuddled into me and we both took a little nap. That's about 7 hours ago and we are wide awake by now again and already had lunch, which was surprisingly good for airplane food.

"I have an idea." Y/n says and I look up from the magazine I was looking through. It's just the board magazine but I was bored and needed something to do.

"Shoot." I encourage her and she pulls her left leg up to turn to face me.

"How about a game of Kiss Marry Kill?" She asks, her eyes shining brightly and I smile. I knew that I wouldn't get bored with her on this flight, even if it is about 14 hours.

"Alright, hit me with the first combination." I say and put the magazine away, interested to see what she got in store.

"I don't like the thought of killing someone, so let's go with jail instead of kill. And I don't think you're ready for this one." She grins and taps the armrest between us. We put it down when we were both reading because that's more comfortable.

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