Chapter 20: Sexy Call

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Pov y/n

After Scarlett's and mine 'fun' Monday morning, it has been really hard to get that memory out of my head.
And it was even harder to get that feeling out of my body.

Every time, I had some time to myself, my mind wandered off, thinking about it, which led to me being horny almost on a daily basis.
Texting with her didn't exactly help because our texts got quite intense. We also had two calls this week because Rose wanted to talk to her mom and tell her about her days at school.

Rose has been great honestly, she's still so sweet and a good child. Sure, she has her moments of rebellion or bad moods but that's normal for children.
We're still figuring out a routine but it's getting easier with each day.

What isn't getting easier though, is the fact that I have to drop her off at Romain's every other weekend. He insisted on her being with him this weekend, since he only got Saturday the last time.
I rolled my eyes at him when Scar told me about it. Romain and I could probably text as well but we both don't want to and there's also always the risk of it ending in a fight.

To keep everything calm, I agreed on Rose staying over this weekend. But only after checking with Rose if she's okay with that.
I'm not asking her that because I want her to change her mind and say no, I'm simply asking because she is old enough to have her own opinion about it and I won't force her to stay at Romain's if she doesn't want to. She agreed though, so I dropped her off this morning.

I decided to use the time she's gone to go grocery shopping because that's easier when I'm alone.
Rose and I have a bad influence on each other when we're at the store and end up buying way more candy than planned.
Since I'm the only adult right now, I have to be responsible and also buy vegetables and fruits.

That's one of the perks about being with Scarlett, she's always thinking about the healthy options and makes sure we have enough at home, so that I can buy candy without having to feel bad.

After taking everything home, I go for a swim in the local pool and afterwards for a walk around a park.
The weather is good and luckily not so hot anymore, so it's very nice to be outside.
While I walk through the park, I think back to Monday. As always, a little tingle starts in my stomach at that thought. It felt so good and I wished I could have finished.
Not doing so didn't just leave me horny but also a little sexually frustrated.

I noticed that on Tuesday when Scar told me they're gonna shoot a few scenes at the beach.
I was happy for her but my mind also went to a place where it shouldn't have gone. Just because she mentioned the beach, I imagined her in her bikini and felt myself getting excited.
The longer the thought lingered, the more explicit it got.
At first, she was just laying there in her bikini but then she slowly took it off and smirked. Then she approached me and placed my hands on her hips.

That was the moment I felt my core starting to throb and the wetness between my legs became noticeable too. The urge to touch myself was big but I was at work and afterwards spent the afternoon with Rose, so there wasn't really a time to do so.
Just the tiniest thought made me horny and let me tell you one thing: that's exhausting, especially when you can't do anything about it.

Just thinking about all of this right now, riles me up and I sit down. My legs cross instantly and I lean my head back in an attempt to be distracted by the sun.
I'm outside, I'm sure I can keep my thoughts clean, right?

There are too many people around to think about anything naughty. Bad choice of words. It instantly makes me think about how Scar once whispered that word into my ear before...

I shake my head, I'm here to keep my thoughts clean and my head out of the gutter.

To keep my mind off things, I grab my phone and start scrolling through social media. It helps and I relax a little more and uncross my legs again.
Just as I'm commenting on a friend's picture on Instagram, I get a message from Scar and smile.
In an instant I switch apps and open our chat.

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