Chapter 66: Next try

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Pov y/n

While Scar is dropping Rose off, I'm preparing some lunch for us.
Since we have the whole afternoon to ourselves, I figured we could start off with a bit of food in a more or less romantic setting.

Dinner would be even more romantic because it would be dark outside and I could light candles but this does too.
I put the plates down that I prepared and quickly clean up the kitchen because a messy kitchen isn't at all romantic.

The front door opens and I turn around to see her walk into the room.

"It smells really nice." She comments and I smile proudly and gesture to the table that I set.

"I made lunch." I tell her and watch as she approaches the table.
Her eyes flicker to mine and she reaches out her hand to me. I take it and let her pull me towards her.

"I like how much time we get to spend together lately." She tells me with a silent voice and I smile.

We indeed had quite a lot of time together where it has been just the two of us. Not that spending time with Rose isn't great but it is nice to be alone with Scar every once in a while.

"Me too." I agree and peck her lips before motioning to the table.

Before she can sit down, I pull out the chair for her and do a little bow that makes her snicker.
I sit down as well and we start to eat our food. She hums happily and gives me a thumbs up, which makes me smile. I'm not a great chef but I also don't suck, so I'm always glad when she likes what I make.

"We haven't played our question game in ages." I point out and she nods and swallows before answering.

"Good thing we already know each other for so many years." She grins and I stick my tongue out at her.
"What do you wanna know?"

"What's your favorite shape?" I ask and fold my hands under my chin since I'm done with eating now. Confusion shows on her face at my question.

"What?" She asks back and I shrug.

"What is your favorite shape out of all the shapes in the world?" I specify my question.
She still seems confused but doesn't question it again and instead thinks about it.

"I'd say a square maybe." She answers and I scrunch up my nose.

Everyone is allowed to have their own favorite shape but I absolutely don't agree with that answer.

"Don't look so judgy. What's yours?" She asks back.

I don't even need to think about it because I already know it. It's probably weird that I have a favorite shape but it just developed in school when we talked about shapes and I decided which one I like best.

"Easy, the circle." I answer and she tilts her head to the side in question.

"Why the circle?"

"Because it's the best shape, obviously. It doesn't have any weird edges and just works on it's own. You don't have to measure any angles or stuff like that. It's simply existing and the best shape. Something about it's roundness satisfies me." I explain with a small shrug.

It's hard to explain why I like the circle so much but to me it's just better than the other shapes.

"It satisfies you, hm?" She grins and wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. I playfully roll my eyes at her.

"There's something else that can satisfy you and it's not in the shape of a circle." She continues and holds up three fingers, bold.

"They are round at the tip though." I point out and she snickers before the smirk returns to her face.

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