Chapter 50: Kiss me under the mistletoe

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Pov y/n

We have to get up a little earlier to drop Rose off at the lobby where she meets the other kids and the ski instructors. She's really excited about today and all through breakfast talks about where they could go and which slopes they'll ski down.

It is really adorable and I'm happy she's this thrilled about this. I'm also glad the resort offers trips like this because this way Scarlett and I can have a calm day to ourselves.
We have to promise Rose that Scarlett won't teach me anything new while she is away which makes me smile. Rose might not have been too involved in teaching me but she surely enjoyed it and was always there to encourage me when something didn't go as I wanted it to.

We make sure she has everything before bringing her into the lobby. There are already a few other kids and Rose greets a girl she seems to know already. Looks like she made some new friends during the entertainment yesterday.
Scarlett talks to one of the instructors and gives him my phone number in case something is up. We discussed this a little while and decided that it's smarter to give them my phone number since she's a celebrity and there are people out there who would use her phone number for their own good.

"Have fun and listen to the instructors." I say and tug a loose strain of hair behind Rose's face. We just did her hair but one or two strains always get loose.

"I will." Rose promises with a wide smile before giving me a short hug.

"They have Mama's phone number so if you need us, we're only a call away." Scar tells her and kisses the top of her head.

Rose nods and gives her a hug as well. I don't think something will happen but it's important that Rose knows that she can be picked up at any time. Well, maybe not quite because we still need to get to wherever they are but the point is that she has every right to end the trip if she doesn't feel like it anymore.
From what it looks like, I don't think she will though because she is way too excited about this and since she already knows the other little girl, she won't be lonely.

We wave to Rose as we make our way back towards the elevators. There's a whole day ahead that's just for the two of us and I am honestly really happy about it. I love Rose with my whole heart but sometimes it's just nice to have some one-on-one time with Scarlett.

I stop shortly before we reach the elevator and gently tug on Scarlett's hand that's holding mine to get her to stop too. She looks at me questioningly when she turns around. I just grin and nod up. I never noticed it so far but there's a mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. Scarlett smiles softly.

"You have to kiss me now." I tell her and she chuckles while stepping closer.

"Oh, I have to?" She teases a little and I nod with a pretend serious face.

"There's a mistletoe and the custom says you have to kiss underneath the mistletoe. I won't break a custom here." I state and she snickers a little while placing one hand on my waist, pulling me into her.

Her movements are gentle and her eyes dart over my face, holding so much love that I almost get dizzy from it. When her eyes flicker to my lips and stay there, I cup her face with my free hand and tilt her head up, just enough for our lips to me on the same height again.
Her breath is the first thing I feel on my lips and my eyes automatically flutter close. We've kissed so many times that it's just a natural response now, even if she wouldn't kiss me.

But she does and a second later her lips brush against mine. They are soft and taste a little like coffee. I hum happily and kiss her back, letting my lips move perfectly in sync with hers. My stomach fills with butterflies and my chest warms up while my heart beats a little faster. Kissing her always makes me feel this way and I wish for it to stay this way for the rest of our lives.
I'm almost a little giddy and feel light and happy when she pulls away.

"Maybe we should walk back and forth a little more." I whisper and glance up at the mistletoe that just made me have an amazing kiss. Scar giggles under her breath which is really adorable.

"You can have as many kisses as you like, even without a mistletoe." She whispers back before kissing the tip of my nose and leaning away.

I almost lose balance when my body instinctively follows her, chasing her closeness and comfort. She just grins a little at that and tugs me further towards the elevator. I spend most of the way back to our suit looking up, hoping to find another mistletoe but don't find one. We reenter the suite, where also no mistletoe is. I'm aware that I could just kiss her without a mistletoe but it's a little more fun with a mistletoe.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I inform Scarlett and let go of her hand to head towards the bathroom. After all the skiing and the sauna yesterday, I just want to wash all of the sweat off me and feel clean again.

"Alright." She replies and takes my hand to pull me back to her to peck my lips.

I smile at the small action and go into the bathroom to start the shower. It feels really good and my body relaxes under the warm water.
The sauna yesterday was great and helped to relax some muscles but showering just hits different. I don't know how to explain it but it just does.

 When I get out, I dry myself off and look at the clothes I brought with me. I put on the slip but the rest doesn't seem comfortable enough for a day in and a bra just seems unnecessary if I'm just inside. So I stuff my clothes into the laundry basket aka one of our suitcases that works as a laundry basket while we're here and leave the bathroom.

It's a little chilly without clothes but the way from the bathroom to the bedroom isn't far.
A whistle pulls my attention and I look at Scarlett whose eyes rake up and down my body. My cheeks flush a little and I wrap my arms around myself to keep me a little warmer.

"I didn't know I was getting a show today." She teases and makes grabby hands at me. I playfully roll my eyes but follow her request. Her eyes shortly dart over my body before she looks up at me and wraps her arms around the back of my thighs.

"You look beautiful." She compliments and I blush even more at that. I expected her to make a dirty or teasing comment but this is way better.

"Thank you." I reply with a smile.

Her hands slowly move upwards, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind on my skin. She gently takes my arms and uncrosses them before placing them on her shoulders. With her being so close and her hands moving over my body, I don't feel so chilly anymore.

"I love you." She says and kisses my stomach before looking up at me. Her words and action make my chest flutter and contentment fills my body.

"I love you too." I reply and cup her face with one hand. She leans into the touch and turns her head to kiss the palm of my hand before nuzzling into it again.

"Where were you headed like this?" She asks and draws small circles onto my lower back.

"Just to get new clothes." I tell her and she nods slowly, mischief sparking in her eyes.

"You know, you don't have to get dressed for me." She says lowly and I bite my lip, feeling my body temperature rising. Her eyes stay on mine for a few more seconds before they travel down my body and end on my underwear. Her lips pull up into a grin and one of her hands traces the waistline of the slip.

"Pretty underwear." She grins and I snort out a laugh.

"I didn't know you were going to inspect it today." I shoot back.

"Oh no, I don't mind at all." She assures me and lets her thumb move over the little motive that is printed on it.

A shiver runs through my body at that action because it's really close to my clit that's starting to throb for attention. There's a mistletoe printed onto the front of the slip. I thought it was funny when I bought it and like to wear it during the winter because it fits the occasion.

"I have to kiss you now." She says and settles her hand on my hip. I raise my eyebrows amused.

"Why? Because I'm almost naked in front of you and you can't keep to yourself any longer?" I ask and she slowly tilts her head from side to side.

"That as well but also because there's a mistletoe and the custom says you have to kiss underneath the mistletoe." She repeats my words from earlier with a small smirk. Well played.

"True but it's not exactly hanging above us." I tease her at which her eyes only sparkle with even more mischief.

"That's okay, I just have to kiss underneath the mistletoe. There's no rule saying I have to kiss your lips up there." She points out and her second hand brushes over the back of my thigh, making me shudder a little. Now I understand where this is going and excitement fills my body.

"Well, we wouldn't want to go against a custom." I agree and she nods, her eyes shortly darting up to mine.

"Do I have your consent, my love?" She asks while drawing teasingly slow circles onto the back of my thighs, making me want to squirm.

"Yes, you do." I confirm and she smiles and kisses my stomach once again before diverting her attention to my body below.

Her second hand also moves to the back of my thigh but only to keep me where I am. She leans forward and if it wasn't for the fabric of my underwear, I could probably feel her breath on my skin now.
Her lips press a kiss right beneath the mistletoe print and I gasp a little, steading myself on her shoulders. It's way too closer to my clit but also too far away at the same time.
More arousal pools between my legs and I squeeze my thighs a little together.

Ever since yesterday I've been very sensitive to her touch which she clearly enjoys. Her lips place another kiss a little lower and I hold my breath, waiting for her to kiss my clit but she doesn't. Instead she just kisses a little further up to the upper hem of my underwear.
I nearly whine at that, needing her to touch me further down. At this point I don't even care if I come across desperate because I am. Yesterday riled my up enough and she promised me to make it up to me today. Not that I'm thinking she'll break her promise but I know how much she loves teasing me.

"There's way more underneath the mistletoe." I say, trying to sound calm but my voice comes out breathier than I expected. Scarlett grins up at me and nods. I hold my breath when she leans forward again and wait for her to kiss me where I need her but she doesn't. Instead, she kisses my thighs which feels nice as well but only makes me squirm a little more.

"Spread your legs for me baby." She husks and licks a small stripe up my thigh that lets the arousal inside me and outside of me grow.

I spread my legs a little for her which makes it impossible for me to clench them together now. Her hands move towards the insides of my thighs and my grip on her shoulders tightens a little as I wait for her touch.
But it doesn't come and instead she just kisses further up my body. The closer she gets to my core, the wetter I get and even though we're not doing much yet, my breathing is already a little shorter than usually.

Her lips move further up my thigh and her tongue drags over the skin as well, clouding my brain with pure desire and need. When she starts nibbling at a sensitive spot, I whine a little and try to push myself more against her in hopes she'll do more than this but she doesn't. She takes her sweet time teasing me and kissing and licking every part between my legs except for where I need her. When she skips over my core again, I whine.

"Scarleeeett." That makes her smirk against my skin and look up at me.

"What does my baby need?" She asks with fake innocence that almost drives me crazy.

"You know what I need." I reply, still a little whiney from all her teasing. She hums in response and finally moves one hand higher between my legs. I gasp when she brushes over my slip and smirks.

"Oh yeah, you definitely need me. Tell me, are you this wet just from a bit of teasing?" She asks smugly but I'm too aroused to deny it.

"Just fuck me." I almost beg and see her eyes growing darker.

"I will." She promises and runs her finger over my clothed core again, making me gasp once more.

Her mouth moves up to the hem of my underwear and she takes it between her teeth, slowly pulling her down. It looks really hot and I grow wetter just by that action.
Her hands assist her in her actions and soon enough my underwear lands on the ground and air hits my heated core. Then she pushes me a little away to get up. I look at her, almost scared she'll leave me like this but when she picks me up in one smooth movement, I squeal a little but wrap my legs around her waist.

Her lips find mine and she kisses me passionately, stealing my breath and making my head spin. I barely realize she's carrying me into our bedroom, too caught up in the kiss.
Only when we need air she pulls away and sets me down on the edge of the bed. She taps my legs to let her go and I do so.
But instead of straddling my lap, she kneels down and places her hands on my knees to spread them. When her dark eyes look up into mine I swallow and my breath quickens up a little in anticipation of what's to come.

She licks her lips and looks down between my legs. It's hard not to squirm because the way she looks at me is really hot and I'm just waiting for her to get closer. Her breath fans over my skin and goosebumps form on my thigh as she starts kissing from my knee towards my core. My hands automatically find her hair and tangle into it.
Seeing her kneeling in front of me like this is really hot and if I wasn't already wet, I surely would be now. Her kisses are slow and every once in a while she licks over the spot she just kissed as if she wanted to taste every bit of my skin.

It's arousing and comforting at the same time which might just be the best combination there is. The closer she gets, the stronger the aching between my legs becomes. With the almost sex yesterday and all the teasing she already did, I am more than horny and ready to feel her lips against me.

When she starts nibbling at a spot on my inner thigh, I whine a little in impatience. That only makes her smirk but doesn't change her action. It doesn't feel like enough for a hickey but it surely has an effect on me.
She spreads my legs a little further and scoots closer, making me even more excited because this can only mean one thing.

I gasp when I feel her breath against my heated core and my walls almost clench just from that feeling. It really has been too long since we last had sex. But instead of kissing or licking me where I need her, she leans closer and kisses the spot between my inner thigh and my folds. Something between a sigh and a groan falls from my lips.

"Scarlett!" I whine and try to push her a little to the side but she doesn't seem phased by that and instead kisses the same spot again.

"God, I love your reaction to this spot." She mumbles and presses one last kiss to the skin.
"It always makes you squirm and whine so hotly." She adds and looks up at me.

The look in her eyes is enough to almost make me moan. Her head leans a little against my thigh, her eyes are dark with desire and lust and there's a tiny smug smirk on her lips that makes me melt. I love her gentle and soft side but I also enjoy this teasing and maybe even dominant side of hers.

"No more teasing." I plead and scratch her head lightly. She hums at that and nods before kissing my thigh once. But then she finally continues and licks through my folds. My body nearly jolts at that, having waited for exactly this for a while now.

"Fuck!" I curse and press her further into me.

"Remember our safe word and communication systems if you can't handle this." She teases and I just groan.

"There's nothing to handle if you don't-" I'm cut off my by own moan when her tongue licks through my folds again to end up on my clit.

Everything feels more intense than I thought but that's what she loves and that's why she teases me.
She flicks my clit with her tongue a few times, shooting pleasure into my stomach and I moan softly at that. This is what I'm talking about and what I need now.

Her fingers press a little harder into the skin of my thighs to keep my legs open since they threaten to close a little. She sucks my clit between her lips and swirls her tongue around the bundle of nerves, sending a wave of pleasure through me and making me moan a little louder. This feels really fucking good!

She doesn't change her movements and continues to stimulate my clit, making me moan more and more while pushing her face into me. I don't care if this looks needy, I just need her there right now and I won't let her tease me again.
But it doesn't seem like that's her goal anyway because she starts sucking a little harsher at my clit and pushes her tongue harder against it. I groan at that any my head lulls back at how good that feels. She's really talented with her mouth and it's great every single time.

My hands tighten their grip in her hair a little and my eyes close when I feel the small knot forming in my lower belly. This won't be enough to get me to orgasm but it's a very good start.

With all her attention on my clit, my entrance starts to feel a little neglected and my clit also starts to feel a little sensitive. I whine lightly between moans. As if that's what she was waiting for, she lets go of my clit and I whine again. I rather be sensitive than have her stop.

But that's not her intention at all and she licks through my folds again, making me gasp at the feeling. Her tongue swirls around my entrance, teasing it a little and I whine once more, not ready to be teased much more.
Even with her between my legs, I wouldn't hesitate to do it myself if she won't continue this. But luckily I don't have to because she dips her tongue inside me and I moan loudly. God, this feels so good!

One of my hands slides down to her shoulder because I need something to steady myself. Sitting definitely helps but I still need to hold on to her. My legs twitch a little bit and I have to actively keep them from squeezing her head and trapping her where she is. Her hands move a little bit too and settle on my butt, pulling me a little bit closer so her face is completely pushed against me.
I can feel her breathing tingling my folds and my head starts to cloud with pleasure. When she pushes her tongue inside me, her nose nudges my clit and an electric impulse seems to shoot through my body, setting every part on fire, fueling me with even more lust and the want for a release. New arousal greets her and she slowly starts to move inside me as soon as I adjusted to the feeling.

"Hell yes." I moan and squeeze her shoulder a little as pleasure fills my body. My hips start to move automatically, meeting her thrusts and establishing a perfect rhythm. Her tongue skillfully moves inside me and it doesn't take long until she finds that spot that makes my eyes roll to the back of my head.

"Right there." I pant, my hand in her hair tightening.

She hums in response which sets off small sparks in my body, making it hard to focus on anything but her. But I also don't want that because she is all I want to be focused on right now. Her and her tongue inside me, her hands on my ass and her nose against my clit. It all mixes together perfectly and I feel the orgasm approaching rapidly.

All her teasing from earlier did enough to prepare my body for this and now every touch and every lick shoots straight into my stomach. I feel myself clenching around her and my face scrunches up a little as I feel the release nearing.
I'm almost able to reach for it and touch it, ready to give myself to this feeling.

As if she knew that, which she probably does, she starts hitting my spot frequently, pulling broken and high pitched moans from me before I fly over the edge and land on a cloud of pure pleasure.

My thighs squeeze her head and my hand keeps pushing her against my core to keep her in place. Pure, hot pleasure soars through my body, filling every small part and cell, taking me away from reality for a few moments.
My mouth hangs open with a silent moan as I ride on the waves that crash down on me and nearly take my breath away. She continues to thrust into me slowly, prolonging every bit of pleasure and erasing every thought in my brain. All I can think about right now is the way I feel and how amazing this is.

Slowly but surely the waves get smaller and ebb away until the last bit of the orgasm washes off, leaving me with a satisfied feeling in my body. I'm still panting when she gently pulls away, making me whine because I miss feeling her.
Her hands move back to my thighs to spread them again, so she can move again. My legs don't put up a fight, feeling way too wobbly for that. I smile lazily when she places a few kisses on my face and let my hands drop to her hips. When she kisses my lips, I can taste myself on them.

"That was good." I whisper, my voice a little raspy from my previous moans.

"I'm glad it was." She responds and kisses the corner of my lips. My eyes slowly open and I look up into hers that are still dark but also hold a lot of love that almost steals my breath away.

"I love this state of yours." She tells me and gently tugs some hair behind my ears.

"What state?" I ask, my mind still hazy from all the pleasure.

"This, right after an orgasm. You're always so adorable and soft and sweet. The way you smile whenever I kiss you and how I can tell that the orgasm exhausted and satisfied you." She tells me and traces an imaginary line on my face.

"So, you're saying you like it when I'm fucked out?" I ask with a small hint of a tease. That makes her snicker and kiss my lips shortly.

"Sure, you can say it like that too. But I don't think you're really fucked out yet. I think you got a lot more in you." She husks and nudges her nose with mine. How are her actions so sweet but her words are so dirty?

"I want you to be naked too." I tell her and gently tug on her shirt. Whatever we do know, I know I need to feel her skin against mine and clothes are just in the way of that. They always are but we can't exactly walk around naked all the time.

"We can arrange that." She agrees and lets go of me which I don't like but is necessary.

 I watch as she pulls her shirt over her head, leaving her in just a bra that makes my mouth water. It's not even a special one but she looks gorgeous in everything and her breasts always look good. The next thing that's leaving her body are her pants and I bite my lip when I look over her. Seeing her in just her underwear is almost as hot as seeing her naked, almost.

My hands reach out for her because there is so much new exposed skin that I really want to touch. She lets me do so and I run my hands over her sides and down to her legs, making sure I touch every inch within my reach. I lean forward even more and place a few kisses on her stomach, right on her stretch marks. Maybe one day there will be even more because she carried another child for us. That thought makes my heart skip a beat in excitement.

"You are so beautiful." I tell her and look up at her. She smiles sweetly, her eyes soft but still dark with lust. It's an interesting mix that makes my stomach flutter a little.

"But I wanna see more of your beautiful body." I add and slip my fingers underneath her slip before looking up at her.

"Do I have your consent, my love?" I ask and she nods before squirming a little. Looks like I'm not the only one effected by this. I push her slip down and stare at her glistening core for a few seconds.

"So wet just from eating me out?" I tease and she playfully rolls her eyes before gently pushing me to lay back. I move up until my head rests on the pillow and she hovers above me.

"How could I not when you taste so great?" She asks back and I can't argue with that. I'm also always wet after tasting her.

My hands move to her back and unclasp her bra but before I can get it off her, she kisses me, taking away my breath with how passionate the kiss is. She instantly invades my mouth with her tongue and I groan a bit at that. I only get a few seconds to discard her bra before her lips crash back onto mine in a hungry kiss. It's hard to tell if she wants to be pleasured or make me come again. But when one of her hands moves down my body, her intentions are clear.

"I want to make you feel good too." I breathe out between kisses and she looks down at me, the ends of her hair tickling my face a little.

"Go ahead, we can do it at the same time." She offers and I nod, that's a good point.

I flip us around and earn a surprised squeal for that action but being on top of her just gives me more opportunities. Speaking of, she uses the new position to push one leg between mine and I gasp when it presses against my core. It gives a small amount of friction that I can't resist and start to grind a little against it. Her hands are quick to find my hips to help me guide my movements and for a few seconds m eyes flutter close.

But I remember what I actually wanted to do and kiss down her neck, nibbling at certain spots along the way. Gasps and sighs encourage me to keep going, which is a little more difficult with her leg pressing against me. It almost feels teasingly because as nice as the friction is, it isn't building up anything.
But I don't concentrate on that and instead concentrate on her and her body. One hand stays next to her shoulder to push myself up if I need to, while the other slowly brushes down her body. I can feel her shiver a little at that and she squirms impatiently underneath me.

Usually, I like to tease her a little too but that's usually at the start of sex and this doesn't feel like the start, this is right in the middle. So, I don't slow down or stop before touching her and instead run my finger through her folds. She moans at that and so do I because she's already so wet that I could easily push into her.

But I don't because I still want to take my time with her. We're not in a rush after all. My finger finds her clit and I circle it with different amount of pressure until she curses loudly and I know I found the right amount. I gasp against her collarbone when her leg pushes more against my core and almost forget to continue my movements against her clit. New arousal pools between my legs and smears over her thigh, clouding my mind once again. It's not easy to concentrate on what I have planned but I will do anything to ensure she comes too.
My lips move further down her body and I place kisses on her soft, warm skin. Her chest already rises and falls faster than usually and her hips start grinding against my hand that's still stimulating her clit. I lick over her skin and hear her gasp at that and smirk.
Her reactions are one of the best things during sex.

I love hearing and seeing what turns her on and what makes her feel good, what brings her to the edge. Her grip on my hips tightens and she throws her head back into the pillow, a clear sign that she is enjoying this.
I grin, this is about to get even better. I let go of her clit, which earns me a small whine but I have something better in mind. I run my finger through her folds again and settle on her entrance, circling it a little which makes her moan lowly. I'm not sure of she fully realizes what I'm doing but it's gonna be good either way. I lick up her breast and then do two things at the same time: I circle her nipple with my tongue and push one finger carefully into her.

"Fuck, y/n!" She moans and arches her back a little, making me smirk at the success my actions had.

I continue circling her nipple and also flick it a few times before sucking it between my lips and swirling my tongue around it again. My finger stays still until she's ready for me to move. When she bucks her hips twice, I get the non-verbal request and carefully add another finger that slides in easily. Her walls stretch around me and she breathes out a moan, which is music to my ears.
As soon as she gives me the go, I start thrusting into her and establish a steady pace. My mouth switches to her other nipple, making sure to pay equal attention to both breasts. I almost forget about her actions on my body until her hand moves from my hip to the front of my body. All the grinding against her thigh made me even more sensitive without me realizing it because when her thumb gently presses against my clit, my body jolts and I accidentally bite into her nipple a little.
But before I can worry about it hurting her, she moans out loudly and I feel new arousal gushing around my fingers. Her thumb continues to work on my clit, making me whimper a little at how sensitive I am and how much this simple action makes me feel. It's almost overwhelming but not enough at the same time.

"No, stay there please." I mumble, my mind spinning with pleasure as her thumb moves off my clit and she is about to touch my entrance.

She just hums in response and follows my request, pressing her thumb back onto my clit. I moan against her chest and let go of her nipple to lean my forehead against her body. As much as I want to continue sucking and licking her nipples, I can't, not with the pleasure that's forming in my body.

I'm still grinding against her leg, which gives me a little bit of friction against my entrance but my main source of pleasure is her thumb on my clit right now. She started drawing tight circles and together with the friction from her thigh, it fuels the heat inside me, getting me ready for a second orgasm. The movements of her hips become a little sloppy but faster and harder and I adjust to her actions.
My thrusts become faster and a little harder, pulling loud moans from her that mix with my own. Her nails dig a little into my skin but not enough to hurt me or leave permanent marks. Sweat forms on her body as her moans get more frequently and a little higher in pitch. I curl my fingers inside her and after a few thrusts find her spot, making her hips buckle a little and her walls clench lightly.

"Right there." She moans and pushes her hips further against my hand.

I reangle it a little, so I'm able to hit her spot on each thrust and press onto her clit with my palm at the same time. This pulls a string of curses from her that are really ungodly but fucking hot. I can tell she is getting close and so am I.
Without having to talk about it, I make sure to brush her spot on each movement as much as possible while she puts a bit more pressure onto my clit, keeping the circles as they are. The feeling is getting closer to being overwhelming with how sensitive I am but I know that it is what's going to push me over the edge.

When her walls start to clench around me and her moans get breathier, I know she is about to come every second now. But she doesn't and almost desperately puts a bit more pressure onto my clit, she wants to finish together with me. If we weren't in the middle of sex, I would have found that very sweet but right now I can only whimper a little at how intense it feels.
When her thigh flexes, offering more friction, I tumble over the edge. Scarlett lets go too and our moans and short breaths mix together while her legs twitch and her walls clench around me strongly. Her body spasms a bit which tells me that the orgasm is stronger than I first thought. Not that I'm doing much thinking right now with the amount of pleasure shooting through my body. It feels a little different than the first time, not quite as strong but somehow still a little more overwhelming.

The feeling seems to surround me and lifts me off onto a cloud of pleasure, making it hard to keep up my movements inside her. But I do and hope I'm able to draw out her orgasm as much as she does for me. When the last wave of pleasure washes off, I almost slump onto her body, panting like I just ran a marathon. She unclenches a few moments later as well and I carefully pull out my fingers when she stops moaning silently. But I'm too exhausted to move my hand far away, so I just let it rest on her thigh.
Her hand lets go of me too and her leg falls down as well. For a while we're both just breathing heavily, calming down from our orgasms. As soon as I feel like I can move again, I get off her to lay down next to her, only my head stays above her, so I can kiss her forehead softly. A smile forms on her lips and one of her hands comes up to slide into my hair, holding me where I am. I lean my forehead against hers and just enjoy being close to her, feeling the heat of her body against my skin.

When her eyes open, I lift my head a little, just enough to look at her.
"Hi." She whispers with a husky voice and a dopey smile.

"Hey." I reply back and brush my nose against hers. It makes a giggle bubble up in her chest which warms my heart.

"You were right, this fucked out state is great." I agree in a whisper and she hums and puckers her lips.

I happily kiss her and sigh at the softness of the kiss. When we pull away, I lay down again and she instantly snuggles into my side, her head resting on my shoulder, her arm draped over my stomach and one of her legs laying over mine. I brush up and down her back and lean my head against hers.

"This was really amazing." She tells me and I nod and kiss the top of her head.

"It definitely was." I agree and feel her starting to draw little shapes onto my skin. It tickles but in a good way and I smile.

"It was nice to come at the same time as you did." She says.

"Oh yes. I could tell you were waiting for me." I reply and she chuckles softly and nods against me.

"It was definitely worth it." She confirms which makes me happy.
"It's always worth it to have sex with you."
That makes me smile and pulls her a little closer than she already is.

"I can only give that back." We stay quiet and just snuggle some more, enjoying the calm time together and the satisfaction in our bodies.

"Can we just stay in bed a little longer?" I whisper and Scarlett looks up at me.

"Of course, we can stay in bed as long as we want. But maybe we should get up at some point and clean off and do some more aftercare. After that it will probably be even more comfortable." She points out and I nod.

"But that can wait." I decide and she nods and kisses the side of my neck before nuzzling her face back against my chest.

What's better than laying in bed with her and sharing a calm, loving and intimate moment. Beside the satisfaction there is also pure love filling my body and I smile to myself. I'm gonna marry her and we'll have moments like these for the rest of our lives. 

A/n: I hope this fulfilled your expectations for this chapter after the last one ;)
(Just halfway proofread but I think you were too occupied reading XD)

Chapter 50! I do know where I want this book to end but I have no idea how many more chapters that will be but definitely still a lot.  

Word count: 6.7 k

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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