Chapter 63: The Talk

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Pov Rose

I like spring but I don't like the unsteady weather that sometimes comes with it. This morning it was sunny and I was excited to go into my treehouse again because it's too cold to do that in winter. But just as I wanted to go out, it started raining.

Mommy saw how sad I was about that and suggested we can play a game together. It was a lot of fun and I forgot about wanting to play outside.

For the second round Mama joined as well but she isn't good in this game so it was easy for me to win.
She seems to feel better today, which I'm glad about. I didn't like how tired she looked yesterday when she had her period.
But I think holding Mr. Mouve made her feel better because when she gave him back to me, she told me the tummy ache got a lot better.

That made me happy and I decided to be extra nice to her today because it always makes me feel better when people are nice to me when I'm sick.
But letting her win wasn't one of those nice things, she's just not that good in the game.

It didn't seem to bother her though, so I didn't feel bad for winning. Mommy offered to do a puzzle with me next but I wasn't in the mood to puzzle.
I rather wanted to play with some play dough. It's way more fun to play with it at the kitchen table because it's bigger and I can roll it very thin then.

Mama joined me for some time and we made a pond with a lot of different animals. Turns out dolphins only live in the sea but she said our pond can be special and maybe dolphins live in there too.

Now I don't want to play with it anymore though because it gets boring. I look outside but it's still raining, so I can't go outside. Maybe I can ask Mama to play Mario Kart with me. I slide off the chair and go look for her since she isn't in the living room.

"Where's Mama?" I ask Mommy and lean against the couch. Mommy looks up from her laptop.

"I think she's upstairs on the phone." She answers and I take off to look for her.

When I reach the top of the stairs I can hear her talk on the phone and skip to their bedroom. The door is open, so I walk in.
Mama is sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard with her phone up in front of her.

"Hi Mama." I greet her and crawl onto the bed next to her. She smiles at me and kisses the top of my head when I reach her.

"Hey, baby." She says and I smile.
I like it when she calls me that, I like all the names she calls me because she says them so softly and they always make me happy.
I look at the screen and see her siblings on it and wave.

"Hello." I say and see a smile spreading on Marla's face.

"Hey Rosie." She greets me. "How's it going?"

"Good, I'm turning 8 tomorrow." I tell her proudly.

I'm really excited for my birthday even though the actual party will be on Saturday but still. Mommy promised to make my favorite dinner and that we can do whatever I wanna do.

"You're already turning eight? That can't be true. When you were here, you were six." Marla says with big eyes and I giggle.

"It is, I'm seven right now." I tell her and she gasps in shock, making me giggle even more. She's just as silly as Mama sometimes.

"I definitely haven't seen you in too long." She says and I nod in agreement.

We haven't visited them since the one time we were there and I would like to visit again.
It was fun and they have so much nature around the house and deers in the woods. They also have a lake there that Mama told me so much about and I want to see it when it's not frozen and swim in it.

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