Chapter 2: Engaged

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A/n: Since many of you were confused: The dream in the last chapter was really just a dream but based off a memory. Y/n didn't dream meeting Scarlett and Rose and the whole first book happened. Scarlett and y/n are engaged and happy.

Pov y/n

Let's back up a little though, around one and a half weeks earlier:

"Good thing, Lizzie is watching Rose tonight." I say and smile up at Scarlett.

We're back in her house and currently sitting on the couch. Or rather laying on the couch. Scarlett is leaning against the backrest a little, one of her hands mindlessly brushing over my back while the other plays with my hair.
Her eyes are bright and she smiles widely at me.

"I definitely owe her for that. Although, she loves Rosie, so she probably enjoys watching her as well." Scarlett says and kisses the top of my head. In return, I kiss her sternum and hum happily.

After the proposal, we said goodnight to Rose and Lizzie and drove back to the house. Today is a very special day for us and we want to spend some alone time together, just enjoying each other's company.

"I still can't believe, we're gonna get married." Scarlett whispers. I rest my hand under my chin and look up at her.

"It's gonna be a magical day." I whisper back and lean up to kiss her softly. Her lips brush against mine and they dance together in a slow rhythm that makes the rest of the world disappear.

Being here with her, cuddling and her hands in my hair and on my back, her lips on mine, might just be the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I know that life isn't always easy and there are bumps in the road of our future but in moments like these, I feel like none of that matters as long as I'm with Scarlett. I really, truly love her with my whole heart and I won't ever stop loving her.

"If it's just half as wonderful as any other day with you, it's gonna be perfect." She mumbles against my lips, making my heart beat faster in my chest.

Even after knowing her for a year and being engaged to her, her words still make my insides tingle in the best way possible and my cheeks flush pink.

Her hand on my back comes up to my face and her thumb lovingly traces the blush on my cheeks. Her eyes follow the movement and there's so much adoration in them, that it almost makes me dizzy.

"I love you." It's the only thing I can think and say right now. It's the only emotion that's pulsing through my body with each beat of my heart. Her eyes dart to mine and her hand cups my cheek.

"And I love you." She says, tilting my head a little up to kiss me again. I sigh against the softness of her lips and steady myself with my hands on the couch next to her hips.

Our legs are entangled and even though it's the middle of the summer, I wouldn't want it any other way. When her fingers gently scrape my head, my body melts into hers and I hum happily into the kiss.
It feels incredibly nice and somehow makes all my muscles relax. My eyes stay closed even after our kiss and I lean my forehead against hers, enjoying the feeling of her fingertips against my skull.

"If you keep that up, I might come." I whisper with a small grin and half-jokingly. It's not comparable to having sex but it's getting really close from the kinds of feelings this sets off in me.

"I wouldn't mind." Scar replies and I can hear the small smirk in her voice. But the scratching gets a little lighter. It doesn't disappear but it also doesn't awaken so many feelings inside me anymore.

"You are dangerous." I whine a little and nuzzle my head into the crock of her neck when her second hand finds my waist and slips under my shirt to draw random patterns onto my skin.

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