Chapter 87: Beach camping

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Visiting the venue was great. We dropped Rose off at Lizzie's place and continued our way since the location is a little outside of LA.
When we booked the hotels for everyone who flies over, we thought about that and made sure to choose one that is nearest to the location but still in the city so people can explore it.
To make it easier later on, we booked them all rooms in the same hotel. This way we can send a few cars to pick them up at the same place.

The venue was even more beautiful than on the pictures and I almost got emotional when we were lead around and the woman pointed out where what would be. Everything felt so real and close all of the sudden. Just being in LA already made me feel even more excited but visiting the venue only intensified that feeling.
Imagining getting married there in two weeks had my heart beating fast and a smile settling on my lips.
It's crazy how all the planning we did over the past half year lead to this. A good kind of crazy though and I wouldn't want to have it any other way.
There were a few bumps along the way but we moved past them and they only proofed that nothing can bring us apart.

After visiting the venue, we drove back to Lizzie's place to spend some time with her and Robbie. Rose was totally in awe of Lizzie's baby bump that grew a lot since we last saw her. She is absolutely glowing and seems to be very excited over being pregnant. Robbie also seemed excited but also worried about Lizzie. Not in an annoying way, more in a cute and careful way.
Whenever she needed anything, he would get up and get it for her without complaining once. The way she looked at him lovingly every time told me that he has been doing this for a while now. It's very sweet and I love how happy Lizzie is with him and how great their marriage is going.

If I wasn't so madly in love myself, I'd say they are the best couple there is. They definitely are on the second place because I'd say Scar and I are the best couple, even if that sounds arrogant.

Rose asked Lizzie a few questions about the pregnancy and when she was allowed to touch the baby bump, she was really careful and gentle. She even talked to the baby, which I don't think she thought we would hear but we did. I didn't hear every word but enough to puzzle together that she told the baby that it will have fun parents and that she will teach it how to play and do somersaults. Lizzie nearly teared up at that but hid it behind a tissue, pretending to blow her nose.
Scar and I shared a long look when we heard Rosie talk to the baby like that. If she is even half as cute and gentle with her future sibling, I have no doubt that she will be the best big sister a baby could ask for.

Lizzie and Robbie let Rose pick the douvey for her bed for when she stays here during our honeymoon. They also bought a little toy box for some of Rose's toys. By the looks of it, it's one they probably use for the baby later on as well but I still thought it was really cute.
They showed us the nursery they decorated and are almost finished with. It's really cute and pretty and fits the rest of their house very well.
There are small plants on the wallpaper and on the curtains which is adorable. The rest of the furniture fits that aesthetic as well with most of it being wooden or simply white.

It looked like they are ready to go for when the baby comes, which is good because you gotta be prepared.
Standing in that nursery reminded me of Scarlett and me and the wish to expand our family. It's not urgent but seeing all that cute baby stuff did make me want to have one as well.
Still, there's no pressure to get pregnant now or the next month or the month after that. Maybe my baby fever can be stilled when I see Lizzie's baby.
Or it gets worse, I'm not sure.

My wedding dress arrived on Monday and I was relieved to see that it was unharmed and looked just as pretty as it did when I bought it.
To be honest, I was worried it would be smushed and get cringles all over it due to the flight but it didn't. Scarlett didn't get to see it because I wanted to wait for the wedding day to reveal it to get her full reaction. I hung it up next to the clothing bag with her wedding outfit. This way we have the outfits together and won't have to search for one.
The temptation to peak into her clothing bag was definitely there but I wanted to be surprised too, so I withstood that temptation and instead worked a little more on my wedding gift.

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