Chapter 71: No

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Pov y/n

Rose clutches my hand tightly as I hurry up to the front counter of the emergency room.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The woman asks kindly.

"My girlfriend was brought in here just a few minutes ago, I think. Her name's Scarlett Johansson." I rush out.

The woman looks at me and raises her eyebrows a little skeptically.
To be fair, that's a sentence that doesn't sound very trustworthy considering she's a celebrity.
But I don't care about that, I need to see her.

Mr. Columbus told me they were working on the stunts and something didn't go as planned, so Scar bumped into a pole with her head first. They called an ambulance right away when she said she was dizzy.
Shortly after she fell unconscious, which scares the living shit out of me.
I need to know how she's doing and I need to see her and know she's gonna be okay!

My heart is racing since he told me about the accident and I couldn't stop myself from going through every possible scenario, one worse than the one before.
If anything serious happened to her, I'm not sure I'm gonna be strong enough to handle that without a breakdown.

I'm not even mad at the director or the stunt team, I just want to know how my fiancée is doing, everything else is unnecessary right now.

"We want to see my mommy." Rose tells the woman.

She hasn't said much yet since I told her about the change of plans. I'm honestly not sure how much of my quick rambling she actually understood but she does look a little sad and scared.
I wrap my arm around her and hug her. She leans against my side, her hand now holding on to my shirt.

"Do you have an ID?" The woman asks and I want to yell at her to let us in but she's just doing her job, so staying calm is probably the best thing, even if it's the furthest thing from my mind right now.

I pull out my ID and hand it to her. She scrolls through something and eyes me before handing me back my card.

"I'm sorry, you're not listed here." She tells me before looking at Rose.

"I don't have an ID." She tells her before the woman can ask.

I want to scream but instead run my hand through my hair, the anxiety inside me almost taking overhand.
But I need to keep a clear head right now. Freaking out won't bring me anywhere. It's just hard to do so with the amount of thoughts in my head and the fear of losing Scarlett.

"Can you just tell me how she's doing?" I plead and she woman shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, that's confidential information and only meant for family or the emergency contact." She answers and I nod a little defeated.

We have no proof that Rose is Scarlett's daughter and I get that they're just being careful. We definitely need to change our emergency contacts but that's not something I can think about right now. Rose tugs at my shirt and I look down at her.

"Is Mommy going to be okay?" She asks, her eyes big and sad.

I wish I could tell her yes but the truth is I don't know.
Hopefully she will but maybe not. The maybe scares me more than I can say but we just have to hope that it won't come to that. But I won't tell Rose that because she already seems overwhelmed by this situation and that would only make it worse.
I take both her hands and take a step aside so we don't block the counter.

"I don't know but the way I know her, she's a fighter and whatever happened, she'll fight it." I assure her, maybe trying to give myself a little hope as well.

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