Chapter 108: 12 weeks

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In the beginning of September many things happen at the same time.

For once, Rose's school starts again. The good thing about Rose is that she enjoys going to school and is excited to see all of her friends again and learn more stuff. It was really adorable how she couldn't wait to be taken to school. Scarlett took her there since I had to work but I wished Rose a good day at school and gave her a big hug.

Scarlett texted me after dropping Rose off and I had to remind her that she's pregnant and will be able to do all of it again. Sometimes I feel like the first day back at school is worse for Scarlett than for Rose. At least it's more emotional for us because it shows how big Rose already is and how fast she's growing up.
That's life though and soon we will be able to witness all of the beautiful moments again while exploring new moments with Rose.

That was the easiest thing that happened in the beginning of September.

Not so easy was the fact that the renovations on the house started. I'm happy about it and can't wait to see the finished result but it was still weird in the moment. The workers came and measured some stuff on the inside before measuring on the outside. Scarlett took care of most of that because I had no clue what to do and also had to work.
I would have liked to be there with her but it wasn't possible. But I was there when we moved most of our stuff into my apartment.

Since I got all the furniture there already, it were mainly bags and boxes of clothes and other necessities. We're not far from the house, so we can always go back and grab what we forgot but we still wanted to have everything important at the apartment. Scarlett locked the doors of our private rooms when we left because I didn't allow her to carry any boxes and we needed an excuse for that since Rose still doesn't know about the pregnancy.
Even though Scarlett could probably still lift heavy things, I insisted on doing so and she didn't complain all that much.

It was strange to be in my apartment together because we never were here at the same time. I was here with Rose or with Scarlett but never at the same time. It might be a little small for three people but that will just take some getting used to it. We are used to having the whole house and now we just have the apartment.
It's a bit sad because of the garden but there's a park close to my apartment in which Rose can play outside.

I'm also still teaching her to dive, so she has enough ways to get her energy out. The car is still parked at the house though because there's no space for that in my street.
Most of the time Scarlett takes Rose to school using the subway and Rose loves it. She always told me about it in the afternoon and how many different people she saw that day. I'm glad she's not minding the change of routine or the fact that we are living in the apartment now.

The good thing about living here is that it doesn't take as long to clean as the house. I noticed that when Scarlett and I did our weekly clean up, including the floors, the bathroom, the kitchen and dusting off a few things. I'd say it took only about half the time as it usually did.

We went grocery shopping the other day while Rose was at soccer practice and since we want to tell her about the pregnancy soon, we talked about how to do that. I got a little distracted when we crossed the clothes section and found a shirt that says 'big sister' on the front. It's adorable and I couldn't help myself but buy it. Scarlett smiled at that and we agreed that this might be a cute way to tell Rose.

Today is the day where we will tell Rose that Scarlett is pregnant. We had another appointment this noon during my lunchbreak and the doctor confirmed that the baby is healthy and doing well.
Hearing its heartbeat again was amazing and I hope we get to do that on every appointment now. Just knowing that there's a baby growing inside of my woman is blowing my mind.

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