Chapter 72: Who are you?

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Pov y/n

Scar's eyes dart around the room for a few seconds before they settle on Melanie.
I can't describe how glad I am that she woke up, everything will be okay now.

When she looks at Rose and me, I smile but don't receive one back.
Instead, she looks at me confused and almost a little skeptical.
Maybe she is confused why Rose and I are here.

But when her eyes dart from me to Rose and back and her expression doesn't change, I start to worry again.
She slowly reaches out one hand towards Rose.

"What have I taught you about stranger danger, Rosie?" She asks, her voice a little weak but I'm still able to understand her.

Her words don't make sense though. Why would she bring this up right now?

"You told me not to interact with adults that we both don't know." Rose answers, sounding just as confused as I feel.

Scar nods and takes her hand to tug her a little closer. For that Rose has to let go of me. Something feels weird about this whole situation and my throat starts to feel a little tighter.

"Exactly." Scar agrees and looks back to Melanie.

"Can you please take this woman outside the room, I don't want her here right now." She asks and all the air seems to escape my lungs as if a rock was dropped onto my chest.

Why is she talking about me like this? Doesn't she know who I am?

"Scarlett..." I try and she looks back at me.

For a few seconds I'm hopeful that she'll tell me it's just a cruel joke or something like that but the longer I look into her eyes, the surer I am that it isn't.

There's no recognition in her eyes, she doesn't know who I am.

A sharp pain fills my body, spiraling into every part of me, almost ripping a hole into my chest.
She doesn't know who I am, she doesn't remember me or that we love each other or are engaged.

This can't be happening, this has to be fake or some kind of nightmare!
Tears start to well up in my eyes and I wet my lips to say something but all the words get caught in my throat, forming a ball that makes it really hard to breathe.

"Please." I choke out, not even sure what I'm begging for right now.

I'm waiting for a reaction from her side. Deep inside her she has to know that I am more than a stranger, deep inside her she still has to have feelings for me.

"I want to be with my family right now, please leave." She says, more determined now.

My heart feels like it shatters into millions of pieces that cut me open and leave me bleeding.

The first tear rolls over my cheek and I quickly wipe it away, not wanting to cry right now. There's so much I want to say to her right now.
I want to ask her how she's feeling. What I can do to help.
That I am a part of her family.
That we're engaged.
That I adopted Rose and am not a stranger.

But nothing of that leaves my mouth, instead there's just silence filling the room. Even though it breaks my heart even more and hurts me physically, I turn away and take a few steps towards the door.
Scar is supposed to rest right now and stressing her out with staying in here would not fulfil that purpose.

No matter how hard this is for me, I can't stay in this room. My legs are shaky as I step towards the door and my body feels very heavy as if it wanted to force me to stay here.

"No, she's my mama." Rose insists and looks from Scar to me.

She doesn't seem to understand the situation at all but neither do I.
There were no words of memory loss when the doctor talked to us but Scar wasn't awake before so how would they have known.
I want to know how much she doesn't remember.

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