Chapter 35: Halloween

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Pov y/n 

After everything that happened, none of us are in the mood to celebrate Halloween. Not even Rose wants to go trick or treating.
It worries me a little that she doesn't want to do it but at the same time I totally understand her.

With how attached she is at the moment, it probably wouldn't feel right to her since we wouldn't be right next to her all the time.
We'd probably meet some of her friends and she'd go with them to the houses, meaning Scarlett and I would stay behind. From that aspect I get why she doesn't want to go out.
We decide just to stay at home and have a calm day together.

Scarlett is out buying groceries right now, so Rose and I are alone at home. She's occupied with her toys while I read something and chew bubble gum.

"How did you do that?" She suddenly asks and I look up.

"Do what?" I ask back. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, I'm just reading a book.

"You made a bubble with the bubble gum." She answers and watches me as if I was keeping a secret from her.
I didn't even notice I was making bubbles it's just a habit of mine when I chew bubble gum.

"That's easy." I explain and put the book down. Rose's eyebrows scrunch together in disbelieve.

"I can't do that." She says. I pad the space next to me.

"The bubble gum is in the drawer next to the fridge." I tell her and she jumps up to get some bubble gum. Then she settles next to me, already chewing her gum.

"It's not too hard. You just cover your tongue with bubble gum, stick it out and blow some air out." I explain and demonstrate.

I'm not sure if that's the right was to explain it but I never explained it before so I have no clue if it helps. Rose does what I told her but it doesn't work and she pokes a hole into the gum before she can blow into it.

"That was a good start, just try it a little slower and when you feel like it's getting too thin you either stop or start blowing." I explain and she nods and tries again.

This time it looks a lot better but when she blows the air into it, it just wobbles around and doesn't form a bubble.
It doesn't discourage her though and she tries again and again and again. Something always fails and I can tell she is starting to grow frustrated.
I wish there is anything I could do to help but this is something you can't really show someone in terms of guiding their actions. It's more like a feeling or sense you develop.

"Remember to keep your lips closed around your tongue." I remind her and Rose nods and gives it another try.

This time it looks really good and she manages a tiny bubble. It pops a second later and I almost expect her to be disappointed or frustrated but she beams at me.

"Did you see that?" She asks excitedly.

"I did. Well done!" I encourage her.

She instantly tries it again. It doesn't work but with the boost of the first achievement, she doesn't give up and blows another small bubble.
Her eyes sparkle with excitement and it makes me happy to see her like this. This is more like the Rose I know and it gives me hope that she is starting to feel better.

We still need to tell her about the pushed back court date but not today. Today is about spending time together and enjoying each other's company.

Scarlett and I did select a new day for the court date though. The earliest available was in January which is a little frustrating and annoying but it's better than not adopting Rose.

We blow some more bubbles and when Rose manages to blow a big one, her eyes widen and it just looks adorable. It pops and sticks to the skin around her mouth which makes her giggle.

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