Chapter 30: Arrested

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A/n: Sorry for the slightly delayed update, I had to finish writing another chapter.

Pov y/n

It feels like someone hit me with a baseball bat.
The world around me suddenly feels like it's spinning and my legs feel like they're about to give in.
A cold wave floods through my body as I stare at the officer in shock.

Rose looks at me, not understanding what's going on and honestly, I feel the same way. I have no idea why the police searched my apartment nor what they found.

"Hands behind your back and step away from the child!" The officer repeats and I finally manage to get the control over my body back.

I didn't do anything wrong but I know that it's better if I listen and follow the instructions.
But when I take my arm off Rose, she hugs me tightly, not letting me go. I want to hug her back so badly and comfort her but with the officer watching me I feel like it's smarter to slowly raise my hands.

"No!" Rose mumbles and squeezes me tighter.
It breaks my heart to see her like this and I wish I could do anything but I can't, I don't even understand what's going on right now.
The officer seems to struggle a little as well with Rose clinging to me.

"Is this your daughter?" He asks and steps closer. I instinctively nod but then remember that she isn't my daughter legally.

"She isn't legally my daughter but I'm adopting her in a week." I tell him and he nods, his expression not changing.

"Where are her parents?" He asks, looking between the two of us. I want to be offended at this question but I see where he is coming from in this situation.

"Y/n is my Mama!" Rose tells him angrily and clutches my shirt in her hands.

He runs his teeth along his lips and raises his eyebrow at me. I know he didn't ask that, he wants to know if she is a foster child or if she has parents he needs to call.

"Her mother is currently in a different state and her dad is probably at work." I answer truthfully.
He nods and it looks like he's giving up on the handcuffs for now and puts them away but not out of sight.

"Does her father live in New York?" He asks, pulling out his tablet again.
I nod and give him the name when he asks for it.

I have a feeling I'm gonna see Romain today and I really don't want that. I know I'm innocent but I still don't need him to see me handcuffed and arrested. Oh, he would love that for sure, it only proofs his point of me not being able to take care of Rose.

"I need a little help here." The officer calls into the apartment and takes a step outside.

I also step outside into the hallway, Rose still clinging to me. It's difficult to tell what I'm feeling right now because there's a lot swirling around inside me.
I feel scared, concerned, panicked, worried, overwhelmed, lost and so much more.
I also have no idea how to act right now because I don't know what's going on and I have to take care of Rose at the same time.

The anxiety makes it hard to think but the adrenaline makes up for that. Something inside me wants to grab Rose and run but that would be the stupidest thing to do right now. Whatever is going on needs to be settled and running away always makes you look guilty. But the urge is still very strong with how tightly Rose clings to me and how scary this situation is.

Another officer steps out of the apartment and eyes me shortly. I still have my hands up while Rose clings to my waist. He and the first officer talk silently before turning to us. The first one pulls out the handcuffs again, the other crouches down.

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