Day Twenty Four - Queen Charlotte

Start from the beginning

"We save some for Mama of course."

"Of course." George smiled childishly "You are so much like her, Sweet Annie" George in a moment of lucidity ran his knuckles against her cheek. Mariana kissed her fathers hands.

"Now for our favourite part of the day." she commented and the two began eating. Later on, Mariana rested her head on her fathers shoulder.

"They hate me, Papa." her voice broke as George was looking like her was drifting from reality when he snapped back. "My brothers and sisters are always mean. I don't understand why, I've tried to be nice to them. Tried to connect with them. But they snide and bully at every turn. I am alone Papa. So very much alone." she began to cry.

"Oh there there my sweet Annie. There there." he tried to comfort her with a tapping of the hand on her arm.


It was Mariana's 18th birthday and Queen Charlotte threw a lavish ball for her. family and guests attended from far and wide. Mariana entered and everyone gave their respective greeting. Mariana glided to her mother and curtsied.

"my beautiful daughter. Happy Birthday."

"Thank you, Mama." Mariana took her mothers side and the party began.

"Your Majesty Henri Duke of Aquitaine." Brimsley introduced. A man stepped forward and bowed.

"Your Majesty." he greeted "Your Highness. Happy Birthday."

"Thank you." Mariana smiled

"Your Majesty, with your permission I would like the pleasure of a dance with your daughter." Charlotte looked to a hopeful Mariana.

"Go." Charlotte agreed, Mariana took Henri's hand and made her way out onto the dance floor. Charlotte watched the two and how her daughter lit up. She continued to do so throughout the night when she was talking with the Duke.

"Brimsley." Charlotte turned her head slightly "Invite the Duke back so my daughter might get the measure of him."

"Yes your majesty." Brimsley nodded


Henri and Mariana spent as much time together over the next month. The Princess became enamoured with him and her mother noticed. At the end of the month she called for her daughter.

"Dearest Mariana. I have pleasant news."

"Yes, mother?" Mariana sat beside her and Charlotte took her hands.

"You are to be married." she declared and Mariana's happy demeanour dropped "To the Duke of Aquitaine."

"No." Mariana denied


"No. No I could not possibly leave you or Papa. No, I simply won't have it. I refuse." Mariana denied

"Well it is fortunate that your future husband is so attentive to your needs then isn't it? The Duke made it apart of his terms that we find residence for the two of you here so that you can remain close to your father." Charlotte replied


"Yes, now your wedding will take place within the next few days. You will become a bride and provide royal babies." Maria squeezed her mothers hand

"Thank you, Mama. I promise I won't let you down." she kissed her mothers cheek.


Mariana fiddled nervously with her dress. It had been modded after her mothers and she so wanted it to be perfect..

"It is time your highness." Mariana was told. She nodded and made her way to the chapel. She waited outside for a moment and just before the doors opened she felt a hand take hers. She looked to her side and gasped.


"Sweet Annie. Today is a very special day. The Stars and the planets willed me here." she embraced her father. The doors opened and they stood apart. George listed his daughter hand and escorted her down the aisle. Everyone was in shock to see the King. they bowed and curtsied to him. George gave his daughters hand to Henri after kissing it and joined his wife.

"She looks so much like you Lottie. She is a credit." George told her.

"Yes. Yes She is." Charlotte agreed as she watched her youngest get married.

-A few months later.-

Mariana hurried through the halls of Buckingham house. Aiming to find her mother, which she did staring at family portraits.

"Mother! Mother!" Mariana called excitedly and Charlotte turned to her daughter.

"Dearest daughter, what is with all this. A little...."

"I am with child." Mariana interrupted. Charlotte stood stunned for a brief moment

"Are you quite certain?" Charlotte questioned

"Very certain. A honeymoon conception. I felt them but did as you told me and waited." Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well done. Well done." Charlotte hugged her daughter "Thank you" charlotte nodded but then noticed her daughters worried glance.

"What is it?"

"Well it's just...there is something I've noticed. Lady Grantham my old governess once voiced that when she was with child she was told that she had certain aspects of carrying a girl. Mama I have those aspects." Charlotte sat herself and her daughter down

"I think that strong women is exactly what we need. You have done well. And my granddaughter will do well beside her mother and cousin." Charlotte tried to reassure her.

"Will you be close, when it is time. I want you to be one of the first to hold them. Aside from Henri of course."

"Of course."


Charlotte sat in close quarters to her daughter giving birth. She heard the cries of labour and stood smoothing out her dress.

"What is taking so long? I was never this long in my..." cries from the other room stopped her mid sentence. She turned to Brimsley who gave her a proud and reassuring nod. The doors opened about a half a hour later and Henri came in holding not one but two bundles. "What is this?"

'Twin granddaughters, your majesty. Our first took some convincing but our second had no problem declaring herself as her mothers replica." Henri showed off his daughters to his mother in law "A Perfect Christmas gift." Charlotte to a gaze upon her granddaughters.

"Little Roses of England. Well versed and becoming Princess'." Charlotte was handed the oldest and smiled taking her finger.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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