Day Nineteen - Emmerdale

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Kayla Gallagher was Jacob twin sister. She had been through so many things but Kayla always thought she could rely on her Dad. Kayla believed that adults, parents in particular should lead by example. Layla had let them be adopted by their Mom Alicia and their biological father. Then came David. David was always the man to look up to as they were growing up. Yet as they grew Kayla realised that David wasn't the knight she had always made him out to be. Kayla was hit with the fact that he was rubbish with women and didn't always have the best taste in women.

She did a roll call in her head. Before their arrival in Emmerdale there was Nicola, then Layla their biological mother, Alicia their Mom and David became their step dad and legal guardian, moving onto Priya while still married to Alicia and then not. Then back to Alicia which in itself was complicated. not forgetting Tracey who married him only for him to then move on to the raging bitch Maya. That woman was 50 kinds of bad. Recently there was Meena. Kayla was fond of Meena, the young woman helped Kayla as much as a hidden psychopath could. David's attention moved from Meena to Victoria. Which pissed Kayla off. Even if mean turned out to be a homicidal maniac. Kayla now has enough, she furiously packed her things.

"Kayla calm down. You don't have to do this." Jacob sighed trying to stop her as David came in.

""What's going on? Kayla, what are you doing?" David questioned

"I'm leaving, I booked a ticket and I'm going to see Mom, live with her. I'm done." she huffed throwing one packed bag to the side. Kayla moved onto another bag.

"Done with what? What's brought this on?"

"You." she retorted "Ever since we came here, I thought you were this amazing guy. Turns out you are the dangerous one and i've been to blind to see it. Mom should have never trusted you with us." That hurt Davids feelings but she didn't care.

"Meena was right about you. I just can't believe it took a murderer to help me figure it out." She finished packing her second bag Kayla then grabbed her passport and ticket.

"Kayla don't say that."

"I just did. She should have added him to her list. If you have any sense, you'll come with me. He won't change and you'll still keep getting caught in the crossfire." She grabbed her bags and headed downstairs.

"Kayla come on, let's talk about this." David called as he and Jacob followed her.

"Bite me." she grumbled just as Victoria came into the shop.

"Hey is everything okay?" She questioned like David had done before. Kayla dropped her things to grab her coat.

"Absolutely fine. David is a raging ma-whore and you're a cow. As for me i'm well rid of him" She flipped her hair back "In fact there's been something i've wanted to do for months." she swung back and punched Victoria.

"yeah, that feels so much better." Kayla whooped, then grabbed her things and left just as a taxi pulled up.

"Kayla, you can't just go. Kayla!" Jacob shouted as she dumped her bags in the boot. "Kayla, stop." he grabbed her arm

Don't just leave."

"Then come with me." she replied "Leave him."

"Kayla." he sighed

"On your own head be it." she yanked her arm away, then got in the cab and slammed the door. She the rolled down the window.


Kayla felt free living in Portugal with her Mum. She helped bartending with her mother and she still occasionally sent letters back to Meena, who loved the fact that she still had a hold over someone. A few months into her stay a familiar tall brunette man entered the bar . Kayla's eyebrows furrowed as he sat down.

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