Day Sixteen - Gossip Girl

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Belle Waldorf was the younger sister and technically lesser known Waldorf. It was part that Belle kept to herself and part that her family ignored her . She was that ignored not even Gossip Girl reported on her. Due to this fact she pretty much lead a normal and uninterrupted life. Belle got herself ready for the day and then headed downstairs for breakfast. Neither her mother or her sister were there. Dorota came in with a tray as Belle sat herself down, then it was set in front of her.

"Dortoa I thought I told you that I can take care of myself. You don't need to do this for me like you do for my sister and mother." she sighed

"I look after you, Miss Belle. You waste away eating just this coral. You fade if I don't make sure you eat." Dortoa insisted. So Belle ate the food put out in front of her.

"Thank you, Dorota." Belle finished and kissed her cheek, then left for school. That day was like any other. And the day after that. Then came the weekend, this was the time she met up with her friends. There was a few of them that formed a band. Each weekend they would go around the Burroughs, busking. This weekend they were in Brooklyn. Belle was the lead singer and and she wore masks like the rest of them. She liked that she was invisible with a layer of mystery. They began to do their set, people stopped and watched for a song or two. They dropped money and went on about their day. Dan was making his way home when he came across the band.

numb cover holocene.

Dan took his phone out to record but a smiling Belle lowered it for him. While still singing she shook her head at him and continued with the song. Once the song finished the band took a break.

"Excuse me, hi." Dan caught her attention "I was just wondering why you didn't want me to record? You guys are amazing."

"We like the mystery wearing these masks afford's us. If you were to record and upload theres a chance that someone will want to uncover us before we're ready." She explained "Right now we're happy doing what we're doing." Dan nodded in understanding.

"Well your and your voice is" he complimented

"Thank you." she giggled and Dan stared at her for a long moment. "Is everything okay?" she wondered

"Yeah, everything's fine. Sorry its just something about you. Have we met before? You look familiar." he voiced trying to figure it out.

"A lot of people say that. But even if we did know each other, I wouldn't say." Kind of defeats the whole purpose now does it." she laughed.

"I guess it kind of does." he returned the laugh.

"Well I got to get back." Belle had more water before continuing. Dan dropped a $20 and Belle gave him a wave as she carried on singing and he left them too it.


Another weekend past and Belle returned to school. She was making her way through the halls carrying a pile of books. She could barely see over them which is why she crashed into someone.

"Awh man." she groaned and dropped down gathering her books.

"I am so sorry." Dan breathed kneeling down to help her . He noticed the books she had in her pile "Wow you have the whole library here." he commented

"No it just feels like that." Belle replied and then she took the books from Dan "Thank you" she left the boys stunned as Serena came to stand next to him.

"Everything okay?" she asked

"Hmm? Yeah. Do you know who that is?" Dan wondered pointed to Belle who has stopped to talk with one of her friends.

"Oh, that's Blairs little sister, Belle." Serena answers dismissively "Hey have you seen Jenny? She messaged me this morning to meet her but I can't find her." She changed the subject.

"Wait Blair has a sister?"

"Yeah. Not the point, where's yours?" Serena replied

"I don't know where she is." Dan left and he followed Belle to the library, where she returned the books. Then throughout the day he spotted her and something seemed familiar, he just couldn't quite place her. At lunch Jenny came and sat with him.

"What's with that look?" she wondered

"I have this weird sense of deja vu." he answered "See that girl."

"Belle Waldorf, yeah."

"See I didn't know that Blair had a little sister. How did I not know that" he questioned himself "Not once has anyone mentioned her. Not even you."

"Belle's cool, totally underrated and cool. Which is why she doesn't really fit in with her family. You think everything Blair is and Belle is the opposite. That just makes them ignore her . She is the rockstar that deserves amazing things." Jenny couldn't speak highly enough of her. Leaving her brother to think about it.


A year or so later. Dan was making his way home when a poster caught his eye. It was the masked band he had seen 'The Beauty and the Beasts Unmasked' they were giving a big performance where they were finally going to unmask themselves. Phones were welcome as well as recording them. They were ready. Dan had made up his mind that he was going to go. So he did that weekend . The performance was taking place in Central Park. When he got there many people were gathered. 'Many' was a understatement. A whole crowd of fans had gathered. Fans were wearing t-shirts of the group. Dan managed to shuffle to a good spot.

"Finally after 4 years we get to properly see them." One fan squealed. Five minutes later the band came on the stage to applause and cheers.

"Hello everyone." Belle called to applause "For Four years Beauty and the Beasts go around the Burroughs doing what we loved to do best. Singing is not about the fame or anything like that for us. It's just about appreciating music and when the time is right creating our own. My friends and I are ready to move onto the next chapter. So without further a do. You guys ready to go?" She asked her friends and they nodded. The fans counted down from ten to one. A background dropped down as they removed their masks. On the background, were them and their names. Dan recognised Belle. She had coloured her hair red and had more of a punk rock style but it was defiantly her.

"Let's get this Christmas party started!"

All I want for christmas is you Holocene

Belle noticed Dan in the crowd, she grinned and gave him a small wave. From that day on Belle Waldorf Blew up. She and the band got their recording contract, She became more well known than her sister and friends as well as finding love in the process.

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