Day Nine - Torchwood-ish

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The Torchwood institute was created by Queen Victoria after a run in with the Doctor, Rose and a werewolf. Torchwood was mean to safeguard the earth for the change that was coming and other worldly visitors. At one point there was even five Torchwood bases and ever time each one became defunct.

When Torchwood as a whole became none existent. That left a breech in the world's defences, a gap. Sure the earth had the Doctor but he couldn't be there all the time. Yes there was UNIT but they were a bit blunt in their approach. There was Sarah Jane an former companion of the Doctor and her friends but they grew up and sadly Sarah Jane passed away.

The world needed 24 hour protection, a organisation, that had all the might and presence of UNIT. but more importantly the values of the saviour Time Lord, The idea had been conceived , now it was time to put it into action.

"Lady Madeline! Lady Madeline!" the press called for the young girl as she was greeting Christmas well wishers outside St Mary Magdalene church. She smiled kindly at those who came. Lady Madeline Mountbatten-Windsor was the second daughter of prince Edward and Sophie the Countess of Wessex. Granddaughter to the Queen and niece to the future King. Lady Madeline knows things and that she is in the perfect position to get things done. Upon their return, Madeline asks for a private talk with her grandmother.

"What is it you wished to speak to me about?" Queen Elizabeth asked

"An idea I had." Madeline began "I've done my research Granny and the thing is, there is a gap in Earth's defences since Torchwood basically went defunct. And we no longer have Sarah Jane Smith and her team." the 17 year old explained

"You think you have a solution?" Elizabeth replied

"Yes similar to that of Queen Victoria but a lot less harsher in thought." she handed over a file and the Queen opened it.

"It's called the Subwave network. Named after the sentient software, founded by the late Prime Minister Harriet Jones." Madeline explained "Essentially there would be substations all over the world with hubs. We would assess and categorise threat level and deal with accordingly. Ask the questions UNIT and Torchwood didn't. Help when needed , defend where appropriate." she continued to explain a well thought out plan.

"You certainly planned this out."

"And I really think it could work so much better. But I want your blessing, if i don't have it then this file gets burned and the idea stays just between us." Elizabeth thought about it.

"Then you have my blessing."


Madeline had a plan and she put it into action. She set up a main base under Windsor and recruited people. Foreign royal family members, hackers, soldiers, former companions of the Doctor. A underground network . Within two years it was all set up.

"Lady Madeline." Christa called up to her bosses office. She looked up "We have a situation." Madeline got up out of her chair and went to Christa's computer. Christa pointed to her screen.

"Two visitors, breeched the East gate."

"How long ago and who?" Madeline questioned

"10 minutes ago and unknown." Madeline scowled as she watched the footage.

"Wait, I know those faces. Cheeky Buggers." Madeline mumbled. She then headed upstairs and took a car to where they eventually turned up. "You two are trespassing." She declared Captain Jack Harkness and Gwen Cooper stopped suddenly and glanced at each other.

"My Lady." Jack began "We apologise we thought one was home."

"Then your an idiot. Several family members live on the estate. Not to mention security. A royal estate is always occupied flag or no flag."

"True. But we're from Torchwood and we detected..." Gwen started but Madeline held her hand up silencing the older woman.

"Torchwood no longer exists. The Torchwood Institute was brought down years ago." Madeline pushed herself off her car.

"Yeah, about that." Jack smiled

"There is no about that. Torchwood is dead. You Captain Jack Harkness and Gwen Cooper are merely survivors of a different era. The end, full stop."

"We don't just stop being Torchwood. There are things out there you can't even imagine." Gwen tried to argue."

"Now you're just being insulting. You think because of your perception of me and my age, you think I know nothing."Madeline scowled and folded her arms.

"That's not what I meant." Gwen shook her head.

"Get in the car, both of you. Now." she ordered and got in herself. Then rolled down the window, when Gwen and Jack were looking at one another.

"Get in!" she ordered again and the two got into the back.

"Do either of you know what I really hate?" Madeline questioned the two in the back.

"Err. No." Jack replied

"Being underestimated " she drove back to the castle and pulled up to a different entrance. Madeline got out and both of them followed, she lead them downstairs.

"Torchwood is dead. But the purpose lives on." she opened the doors to reveal her operation.

"Oh my God!" Gwen breathed as people went about their business "This is this?"

"Welcome to the Subwave Network." Madeline stated proudly.

"The Subwave Network? But that was..."

"A piece of sentient software, still is. Only different but based of Harriet Jones's version. It connects people, she used it to seek out friends of the Doctor. We use it to find those pure of heart, those who want to protect and serve the best way they can." she replied "Torchwood died and eventually the Subwave Network took its place. We are more understanding, and helpful to those who need it and a firm had when called for. We are what you wanted for Torchwood 3. We hope to make the dOCTOR proud and work in his footsteps."

"That is brilliant." Jack stated looking around. Madeline then lead the two of them to her office and made the three of them a drink.

"This is amazing. Who came up with all of this?" Gwent wondered as they began drinking. "What is this? It's very nice."

"Sweet teach. peach with a hint of lemon after taste. And I did" Madeline answered

"You created all of this?" Jack asked

"Yes. I came up with all of this three years ago. Two years ago i went to my grandmother for help. Now we're here." Madeline chimed

"Wait. I saw Martha Jones on one of your screens."

"Martha Jones-Smith. and yes. her and Mickey work for us as freelance agents. Just a small number of those who've travelled with the Doctor himself."

"Wait." Jack mumbled putting it together "You recruited former companions? But why not me, I've travelled with him."

"You've had your time Soldier and you did well. But it's time for someone else to take the lead. Think of it like when the Doctor regenerates same person, different face. All the memories and lessons still there, just a new way of implementing them." She drank more tea.

"So you've created all this, protecting earth. But what's in it for you?" Gwen inquired

"A thank you." Madeline smiled answering "What only family know, was that when I was five a creature came to earth. I don't know what it was, but it infected me. Made me sick, near death. My family feared and the Doctor came. He defeated the creature and cured me. I have always wanted to thank him, but couldn't think of a way that would mean something. Then I did. This is my thank you." Jack and Gwen started to feel woozy.

"What's going on?" Jack questioned

"I believe you know the feeling of Retcon. This is my own special mix, did I tell you i got a A star in chemistry. I broke it down and built it back up again. You'll forget today with the added bonus of a simple suggestion. Lay down your weapons till needed, be assured that the cause is in safe hands. Rest now. The two fell asleep. Madeline had them sent home and carried on with life.

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