Chapter 85: The Walls Come Crashing Down

Start from the beginning

Jin never let go of your shirt, his forearm pressed firmly over your collarbone and shoulder as he pinned you up against the wall, his arm shaking with fury.

His eyes were red, puffy, and unsettled, his cheeks stained with angry tears. His jaw shook when he finally ground out the words you were praying you would never hear. 

"You. Witch. Just as I thought I might forgive you." Jin let out a hollow laugh. "You- you're scum, did you know that? You're pathetic. Do whatever you want with your life, I don't care. But you should have never, NEVER stepped into mine."

Your eyes began to water, heart shattering with every insult spat into your face. "W-what are you talking about-"

Jin slammed his clenched fist into the wall next to your head, making you flinch as he simultaneously applied more pressure against you with his forearm. "DON'T ACT INNOCENT YOU BIT-"

Suddenly, another figure streamed through the door into the living room, latching onto Jin's back, hysterical cries flowing from her mouth like a river. "OPPA, STOP IT! I TOLD YOU-"

Oh. Jisoo. That's why he's so mad. 

Jisoo must have worked up the courage to tell Jin the truth.

Jin threw his left shoulder back, roughly disengaging Jisoo from himself before focusing his wild eyes back on you, his jaw clenched tightly. "JISOO STAY OUT OF THIS! I'M GOING TO TEACH HER A LES-"

He stopped mid sentence as her pleas silenced, replaced by a weak whimper and a thump on the floor. 

With lightning speed, Jin left you as he turned around, worried, attention instantly on Jisoo.

The sight before your eyes broke your heart, and you couldn't stop your own tears from falling. 

Jisoo, the one who had been your rock in the storm, the one who had been your safe place and your calming song when all seemed lost, was on her knees, curled over, breaking down right in front of you. Her hair was a mess, her hands shaking as sobs wracked her body, her brokenness finally out in the open. 

And once again, it was your fault.

Jin's eyes widened, and he began to kneel down beside her, his reaching hands automatically heading for the shattered girl on the floor. 

But as his hands finally touched her, it were as if he were a live wire.

She shied away from him, head snapping up as she met his worried eyes were her own. 

But it was her eyes that surprised you. 

Her eyes were almost unrecognisable; gone were the eyes in which you used to find comfort. In their place was pure betrayal, hurt, and a hint of disbelief. 

"You- you pushed me," she said quietly.

The room was so silent you would be able to hear a pin drop. 

It took a few moments for Jin to realise what he'd done. "Oh my go- Jisoo, I didn't mean-"

She stood up quickly, taking a step away from him, wiping her eyes furiously. "No, no- you... WHY WON'T YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE!" She suddenly yelled, hands tearing at her hair in frustration. 

Jin unconsciously flinched at her sudden increase in volume. But he didn't open his mouth.

Taehyung silently met your eyes and left the room. 

Jisoo's gaze was boring into Jin like a branding iron. She took a deep breath. "You're hurting me oppa, and many other people around you, whether you realise it or not. You can't be my 'guardian angel' if you're hurting me. And how will you know you're hurting me if you just... won't listen?"


Sorry for the wait guys! It's been a bit hectic.... we're nearly at the end, I think.... honestly I feel like the story's losing a bit of momentum, but I know I can't finish it just yet. I really hope you guys aren't getting bored... oh, and I'm quite flexible with the ending, so if you guys want to see something specific happen, pop them in the comments and I'm happy to include it if I can make it work!

Thanks for all the support guys! 

~Your Author

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