〈29〉SSB | Pit x Childish!Reader x Link | Practice makes Perfect

Start from the beginning

' No- that voice is to familiar.. '

You turned your head, but while you turned it you glanced at your little Amiibo collection that was in your open closet

"Hmm?" You answered, looking at the person who called out to you

"(N/N)-sama..? Are you ok? you've been crying." He asked, concerned

You tried so hard not to fangirl over one of your favorite Nintendo characters standing right in the middle of your room, "I-I wasnt crying!" You puffed your cheeks, as you crossed your arms.

He wore a plain black t-shirt, with a white long-sleeved shirt underneath, along with regular old jeans and some converse. His brown hair was how it always looked, and his laurel crown was missing from his head. 

"Don't lie to me, (N/N)-sama! your cheeks are red, so you've been crying!"

"That doesn't mean anything."Another voice entering the conversation. He was taller that the brunette, and was wearing a green hoodie and some jeans, along with some converse as well. His blonde hair was how it usually was as well, and it literally made you flinch that he actuslly talked fo once.

"What are you saying, you elf?"

"Oh, you know what im saying, Angel-face!" 

the two glared at each other as you swore you could see that little anime spark of rivalry thing coming from their eyes.

"C-Can i ask how you got in here in the first place?" You asked, your hand shaking as you rose it, to attempt to stop them of whatever they were doing

"The window-"
"Your front door-"

"Then how come i didn't notice?"

"Maaagic~" Pit answered, motioning his hands like he was making a rainbow.

You sighed, "Well- like, how did you get her from SSB4..?" You said quietly

"W-wait- you know who we are?" Pit asked, surprised

"Of course she does, you idiot. Didn't you notice her little Amiibo collection in her closet? and the Smash bros theme playing when you got here?" Link explained 


"Yeah.." You said weakly

"(N/N)-sama..?" Pit walked up to you, hesitating before placing his hand onto yours

"Yes..?" You answered, looking into his sapphire eyes, trying so hard not to blush

"Everyone in the smash mansion- well on your game disc -Admires you. your like the coolest player ever!" He told you, acting like some kind of fanboy

"Hey," You said quite softly, "Im not the coolest person to play smash bros.. they hold all these tournaments, and if i would even go there i wouldn't stand a chance. I cant even play a game correctly because im so childish.. Me loosing just ticks me off so much that i feel like i have to punch something."


"Pit, call me (Y/N), ok? i dont mind."

"OK, (N)- I-I mean (Y/N)-chan!" He corrected himself

You giggled softly "Pit, why are you so flustered?"

"M-Me? Flustered? Naaah." he rubbed the back of his neck nnervously

Smiling, you looked over at the Hylian hero, "Nee, why did you guys come to me in the first place? Just to say that im super good at the video game?"

"Well that, and Master Hand wanted you to come over to the mansion, something about thanking you in person."

Your eyes widened, "How am i even going to get there? Is it going to be some sort of one-way trip or something? do i have to stay there for a month? Or a week? A day?"

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