Day Fifteen - Reign

Start from the beginning


"Your son and i marry, and upon our marriage you gain access to a dozen of my family's best warriors. They will make your soldiers superior to anyone in Europe. Not to mention food and medicine. Support if needed, and on occasion should the need arise a spy network at your disposal" Henri stood there stunned, Aya took a sip of wine and set her cup down.

"My son Francis..."

"I don't want Francis. Francis is not your eldest. He's not who I want." Aya retorted "I want Sebastian." Henri laughed a little

"Bash? You want Bash?" He questioned "He's not even legitimate."

"My culture does not differentiate on circumstance of birth. He is of royal blood. Your Royal blood and he is a fine warrior. Those like yourselves give names to anything and everything these days. My country is much simpler." Aya went to leave. "the negotiation is simple. I want Sebastian, you want more power. A power that could get you England. No?"


Sebastian sought out Aya and found her with her handmaidens. one of them noticed that he was approaching and told the Princess. They stopped and turned to him then she dismissed them,

"My father just told me. He told me that you proposed a marriage between the two of us. You don't even know me."

"Most husbands and wives don't know each other when they marry. That is the world we live in." Aya replied

"I'm a bastard."

"Does not matter in my country. Royal blood is royal blood. Strength, perseverance, loyalty, a good heart. You have those in abundance." Aya smiled softly

"I don't want to be a King." Bash denied

'You won't be." she stepped closer to him "Come with me." she then moved past him.

"The values and the rules of our countries are very different. What you see as hinderances and reasons against a idea, we don't see as a problem and a good instinct of character. The...staging that you have here king or a Prince must marry of legitimate noble birth for their line to be justified of passing on a title and even then it is to the eldest male if possible. In Prussia, in my country there are less restrictions. The ruler choses their successor from any of the wives or husbands they have had. You don't rule because you are the eldest. You rule based on how you have been moulded through the stages of life. The Gods and my family moulded me to be strong, considerate, wise, loyal, humble and respectful. But they also gave me determination and a sense of self. All in balance." Aya lead him into a tent of hers. She gestured for them to sit down and they did.

"But that still begs the question of why me?"

"Because you are who i chose." Aya answered

"You don't know me but I know you. How being your fathers favourite gave you more freedoms than that of your younger brother. How your mothers family have different beliefs from your fathers. of course your father knows, your mother told him but his love for her and in turn for you keeps you safe." She offered him a drink and he took it.

"But you challenge that safety by having feelings for Mary the Queen of Scotland." Sebastian shifted awkwardly "there is no need to deny it and I am not threatened. but, Sebastian, the course you are on is a dangerous and a heartbreaking one. your father wants England and he wants his heir, your brother to get it."

"That's irrelevant."

"You're right. She is irrelevant because her hubris will be her downfall. I could sit here and tell you all the reasons why staying here is a bad idea, why I picked you. All the words in the world, won't break the barrier you have around your heart."

"So are we done here?" Bash stood and went to leave

"Why tell you when i can show you?" Aya stood up as well and Bash turned around she grabbed an instrument

"What do you mean?"

"The Gods can show you what could await you." She took his hand. "All you have to do is open your mind. Come, lay down." He did so and she sat herself behind him.and began to play and then sing. This made him relax and fall into a dissociative state.


Bash stood across from Aya exchanging rings with her. Both were happy as the two kissed. After their wedding came the wedding night, he felt a sense of love, comfort and acceptance. The two of them were on a ship back to Prussia. He saw images of speaking with Aya giving him good news. He touched her stomach implying that she was with child. On their arrival back the people came to greet them, he met her family. He became a part of something, a different sense of freedom.

The scene shifted to him being there for the birth of his first child. To hold them in his arms was a feeling he began to crave. Then with the death of his father in law. He wife became Queen and ruler as her belly swelled with another child of theirs. He knelt before her as she was crowned. Happiness, content, a life without having to look over his shoulder. A life with someone he could have, who would accept and love him with no strings and no denials.


He groaned rubbing his eyes as he woke up. Aya watched patiently as he came around properly. He sat up and was offered a drink.

"Thank you." he drank it in earnest "Was that real? What I saw."

"It could be." she smiled "The Gods smile on those who believe in themselves. If you believe you are worthy. if you are ready to be accepted. If your willing to let go of one life and accept your next." she stroked his face."


Bash prepared himself for his wedding. When there was a knock on the door. Bash allowed entrance and Mary entered. She came over to him

"A part of me can't believe you are really doing this." she voiced

"Marrying a foreign Princess and sailing away?" Mary nodded "It's more than that. Aya showed me what i could have, what i will have. not only did i see that but i saw what would happen if i didn't. apart of me would want to take it, but the feeling, the peace I got from knowing it was something I don't want to let go of."

"Then I wish you all the best."

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