Rookie King Episode 6

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Chapter Summary: BTS jam to Karaoke. Jen tries to avoid the Skull Card again but finds herself in a spicy situation. Jungkook hasn't forgotten his revenge on Jennie for ruining his white shirts when they get back to the dorm after filming.

Words: 4,000+


'We are curious about BTS' favorite songs! The 7 men and woman karaoke real show time!'

'Bangtan Karaoke'

Jennie sat on the couch with Jin, V and Rapmon. Suga, who was the MC for the day, grabbed a mic.

"To the people that's joining us in Bangtan Karaoke, welcome!" He announced while everyone applauded. "It's time for us to listen to a song with a special story. Everyone are you ready? You guys ready? You ready? Then please shout!"


"Guys we will start off with the song no.18, Dynamic Duo's song by J-Hope." Suga announced.

'Her Man'

'Overcoming the disappointment from a relationship, coming back as a superb solo. J-Hope's favorite song full of meanings'

'Original singer: Dynamic Duo"

'Song title: Solo'

'Song from: J-Hope'

J-Hope (The song that I'll be singing is, Dynamic Duo's solo. In the past, I had a girlfriend that I liked a lot but she left me for another man. With a really upset heart, I rode the bus. That time I owned an MP3 player and played it. After turning it on, by accident, this song started playing. This song was one of my memories. And do, my favorite song is Dynamic Duo's solo.)

"Whoo!" J-Hope yelled on the mic. "Put your hands up!"

"Put your hands up!" Jimin repeated, putting up his hands with everyone else.

Jennie stands up with the rest of the guys and starts dancing around while J-Hope starts to rap the song. Overall, it was a great start to Karaoke.

"The next player is...Golden Maknae, Jungkook!" Suga announced and handed him the mic.

'The last practiced song'

'Right before debuting, Jungkook still with the title of a trainee, the last song he received a lesson for'

'Original singer: Primary (Feat. Zion.T/Gaeko)'

'Song title: See Through'

'Song by: Jungkook'

Jungkook (The song that I've prepared is Zion.T. See Through. Before debuting, I received one last lesson. The lesson that I received was on this song. If you look at Zion.T he has a way that he sings that's quite unique. I tried singing as he did, but I couldn't do it that well. It was a song where I was scolded a lot.)

Once Jungkook starts singing, Jennie and the rest of the guys nod their heads and start moving around in their seats.

'A hurtful memory'

'During a school festival, because of the missing MR, he lost the chance to sing it. A song filled with Rapmon's heartbreaking memory'

'Original singer: Supreme Team'

'Song title: School bell is ringing'

'Song by: Rap Monster'

Rapmon (I will be singing, school bell is ringing. Actually, during a school festival, this was a song I wanted to sing that time. With that, I practiced really hard for it. On the day of the festival, I didn't have the MR of the song and I couldn't perform on stage. And so today I would want to try and sing it today.)

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