Day Five - The Tudors

Start from the beginning

"Elizabeth could i speak with our sister for a moment...alone." Eleanor requested. Elizabeth glanced at both of them, then nodded and walked on ahead.

"Sister, you seem troubled. What is the matter?" the two of them followed at a slower pace.

"Everything" she answered "Nothing." she sighed

"Sound ominous"

"The three of us. You me and Elizabeth, we are so alike. Motherless, constantly at the mercy of others. Both relying on a higher power to keep us safe. How can you breath? How can you think? How can you not want to scream and fight? How do you stay sane?" Mary stopped them and made them face each other

"Eleanor, you worry me. What is the matter?" Eleanor glanced at Elizabeth and then back to Mary.

"What if you had an idea. A dangerous, could go wrong in a different way idea? But if you survived you would be away from oppressors. Would you do it?" Eleanor questioned as mary stared at her with shock and confusion. "Would you Mary? Given the chance would you take control of your own life? Would you do it?"

"If God gave me the strength to me." she answered and Eleanor nodded liking her response "What are you planning to do?"

"Whatever i need to, to survive. We are what our father forced us to be. and like you said earlier. you didn't want to know. You don't want the knowledge to our destruction, so I won't give it to you." The two carried on walking and caught up with Elizabeth.


For months Eleanor planned and prepared. She watched, waited and played the demur, quiet and obedient Princess. She did not make waves, stuck to the shadows. Till she was almost forgotten about. Even when their step mother Catherine gave birth and sadly lost her life, to which they moved back home. She didn't say anything.

Then one december night whilst everyone was asleep. Eleanor snuck from her room and down stairs. She had no candle, she could not see, she used only her memory. Outside was lit but it was deserted which gave her a chance to got to the stable and ready a horse. When daybreak hit Eleanor rode out of the grounds of Chelsea House and off into the distance.

It was hours before anyone noticed that she was gone. People searched thinking she hadn't gone that far. Hours turned into a day thence day turned into a week. All the while Eleanor travelled and rested, she used her months of study to guide herself all the way to Stirling Castle in Scotland.

"I am Princess Eleanor of England, daughter to King Henry VIII and I seek sanctuary." She declared. Marie De Guise was informed and Eleanor gained entry. Now she stood before the mother of her cousin. The Dowager Queen.

"If someone had told me that an English Princess would turn up at my door seeking sanctuary. I would've thought them jesting, why are you here?"

"In complete and utter honesty?"

'Please try to be refreshing."

"I am fourteen summers old playing a game of chess in a nest of vipers. I am constantly used as a pawn in a man's game and i do not like it. I am here to change the rules." Eleanor told the woman.

"And how do you suppose to do that?" Marie de Guise wondered in amusement

"By coming to you. You are a Queen of a part of the Island which we share. You married and had children by my Aunt's son therefore you are family. more importantly you are a woman of understanding. Who I am, the risks and implications of me being here. Therefore you know things must be very bad to make the 8 day journey here by myself. no sane person would do that unless desperate." Marie stared at the young girl then stood up and made her way over.

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