Chapter 41: wasn't worth the fight

Start from the beginning

"I'm just glad it all worked out. We don't get so many happy endings nowadays."


"You know what they're doing down there?" I gestured to the end of the garden.

"Oh absolutely no clue, but isn't is just nice that they all get so well."

"Oh don't! Techno and Wilbur argued over the front seat earlier."

"What the front seat of the car?"

"Yep! God it was like being taken back in time five years."

"At least Tech will be driving soon."

"Not to school he won't."

"Yea, we still need to sort out his own car. Maybe I'll ask my mum if she knows any of her friends who are selling one. She said her neighbour sold her's about six months back. They're just getting to that age I guess."

"Not your mum though!"

"I don't know anymore. She keeps complaining about her hearing and eyesight, I guess it won't be long now."

"Maybe it will be in time for Wilbur's 17th." I laughed.

He did my best to laugh too but I could tell he was worried about her. "Oh did you ask whether she could make my goodbye dinner next week."

"Yes, she's very excited about it."

"Good. And you've got James booked in for the week where he can do it. And-"

"And yes, we've sorted everything don't worry."

"It'll be so nice to see Mum and Dad."

"Just remember to face time us loads. I know Tommy and Tubbo don't really know them very well but we always talk about widening the support network so that everyone feels fully supported and I feel like sometimes we aren't as close with them as we could be."

"They live on the other side of the Atlantic Phil, how close do you expect us to be?"

"Oh come on, you got my point!"

"It's just unrealistic!"

"Unrealistic? Me?"

"Yes! Just because you're suddenly happy families with your mum again doesn't mean everyone's family can live 15 minutes down the road and invite us all over for Sunday roasts."

"What so you're not happy Mum is back in our lives?!"

"She's great but there is unresolved issues there and the both of you act like there isn't. You don't even consider the impact that might have on the boys."

"It wouldn't!"

"How do you know that though?"

"Oh just leave it. I'm going upstairs, let's give each other some space." I huffed and continued chopping up the vegetables for the bolognese. He was right, I suppose. That was one of our house rules, no shouting at each other. It triggered most kids anxiety and wasn't worth the trouble. When we'd both calmed down, we'd had a civil conversation with each other; probably when the kids were all in bed, or certainly in their bedrooms.

I sped through cooking dinner, eager to just get it over with. The boys reluctantly came up the garden path together, after I messaged them to let them know dinner was ready and Phil came down the stairs with a smile on his face as if nothing had happened. It almost made me madder but I kept my cool.

After dinner, which was oddly quiet, as if the boys were keeping a secret. But Phil and I were keeping our own. No one wanted to mention it and even begin to unpack it. The older boys all disappeared off to their bedrooms. Phil took Tommy to shower in Tubbo's wet room and then upstairs for bed. I was left to do the dishwasher by myself but enjoyed the silence. The boys putting in the bowls in the wrong way probably would have angered me far too much today. It wasn't worth the fight.

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