Chapter 92

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The party seems to be going well for everyone, but Mathonga and Nala. They haven’t had time to speak. The villagers are flocking over him wanting to converse with him, he’s been trying for a smile but the Khanyile calf is failing dismally. 

“Baby,” says Amandla behind him. Frustration overtakes him.

After making promises he’s not sure he will keep, he bids farewell to the elderly man who has been loading him with complaints about the lack of public services in the village.  

Mathonga shuts his eyes, takes a long sigh and abruptly turns to her. 

“I’m so glad I finally have you to myself, the villagers have been hovering around you the whole day. I was wondering when they’ll leave you alone.” She says with a wide spread smile. 

“I belong to them now, and that means all my time will be dedicated to them.” He forgets to mention the one he loves the most. 

“Not just them alone, you’re going to be husband now.” Amandla debates. 

That’s right, he’s never told her that marriage is not for him. Marrying one woman he loves, yeah that shouldn’t be a problem. He’ll figure out this marriage thing along the way, but how will he live with a woman he has no intimate feelings for? 

“Amandla, I’m not in love with you anymore.” He takes in the look on her face. 

Amandla is flushed, but not enough to be deemed stricken. Mathonga notes the smudge of blush on her face, the faintly dazed, and focused gaze, and a carefree grin. She is over the moon and gives no fucks what he says. 

“But you chose me, your ancestors told you that I’m the one for you.”  

“I love Nala, she was chosen too.” He almost snorts at the look of offence on her face. 

“That doesn’t matter, we can share you. I don’t mind.” 

Now that sounds wrong in his ears, he needs a stiff drink and this damn animal attire is heavy. 

There’s a shadow behind Amandla, a dark aura that has shivers rippling through her. She turns around and gulps at the sight of the stone-cold face staring down at her. Fear flashes past her face, she staggers backward and collides into Mathonga. 

“MaCele,” Ntaba greets with a slight tilt of the head. His eyes are too penetrating, sweeping through every corner of her soul. 

“Is everything okay, Thonga lami?” 

Mathonga looks like death, hence the worried look on Ntaba’s face. He’s waiting with furrowed eyebrows and a tight jaw. 

Mathonga gives him a sad smile and a subtle nod, Ntaba finds his way without glancing over at the lady staring at him like he’s about to slit her throat. 

“I’m not okay with how your brother has been looking at me today, he makes my blood run cold. Is it okay that he’s here, around people?” Her statement is frowned upon, that’s a statement Mathonga is not going to answer. 

“I mean… after killing people, I don’t think he should be around people. Is he going to live here, in the palace with us? Will our children be safe? I’m not judging or anything but…” 

But he’s a menace to society, a threat to humanity and his conscience is as dark as the devil’s heart. 

Amandla is in her right mind to worry. 

Mathonga pinches the bridge of his nose, his eyebrows meet and greet in irritation. 

“I don’t think this is ever going to work,” he’s repeating himself, completely ignoring the Ntaba issue. 

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