Chapter 72

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I’m the girl who was ready to trade her vagina for KFC pap, I’m an idiot. Why am I even still here? That’s right, I left my bag and do not have money on me. 

It’s late, the bastard is not home yet. 

I would call Ntaba, but hey this genius also forgot her phone at her father’s house. I have to sit around like a bored housewife, waiting for her man to come home—it’s past midnight… the least he could’ve done was call me. 

Ntaba takes me for a fool, I can’t be going around in circles with him. 

The sound of a car outside gets me up, I don’t know why because cars have been coming in and out of this place throughout the day. Not wanting to be disappointed, I decide to sit my ass down. I can’t be dealing with disappointment at my age. 

I stand with folded arms when he finally walks in, I don’t know if I should be glad that he is still alive or stab him for having me worried for nothing. 

“You don’t pay me to breathe, Ntabezikude.” A lump on my throat forces me to pause my complaint, I don’t want to cry but here I am, tearing up. 

“Look what you’re doing to me,” I dab the tears away, they don’t listen to me. “I told myself that I will never shed tears because of you, look at me now.” 

He’s not saying anything, his head is slightly bowed yet his eyes are on me. A dejected look is seated on his face, I have never seen him this down before. 

“Why are you crying?” What a stupid question? 

“I’m hungry, you’ve been gone the entire day. I couldn’t call you because I left my phone at home and this stupid place has no phone. Why can’t I have peace when I’m with you Ntaba?” It’s when I take his name, do I realise that I have been shouting. He’s staring, no emotion whatsoever. 

“I’m sorry,” it takes a real man to admit that he has made a mistake. I secretly applaud him for that, but I refuse to let him know. 

“Where have you been?” I need to know he wasn’t with another woman after what happened earlier. 

“I was with Khothama,” he says.  

I want more, I can’t keep letting him get away with keeping my heart on a hot grill. 

“What if I don’t believe you?” I’m serious, I don’t have time to play house. I have cousins to prove wrong, and parents to shame. 

“What?” He walks past me, drops the chicken-licken package on the small table, I notice a plastic bag from Spar beside it. 

His feet are taking him to the bathroom, I’m sure he’s going to get rid of the evidence.  

“Where are you going? We’re still talking.” I didn’t think he would stop, he tilts his head to the side.  

“I’m going to pee, do you want to join me?” What is wrong with him?

The smell of Chicken is calling my name, I would rather focus on that now. I will ambush him when he comes back… He bought one box of Rock my Soul, argh Chicken Licken and their five chips. The Spar plastic bag contains Paninis and a two litre bottle of Sprite—my favourite.

When Ntaba comes out of the bathroom, I’m on my second piece of chicken. He’s rather too quiet, men like him are speechless when they have done something wrong. I don’t shift my gaze from him as he settles down on the bed and removes his shoes. That’s right, scratch that head Satan. I’m on to you. 

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