Chapter 77

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Anger and bitterness can be weapons of destruction, she is living proof. Housing these two emotional feelings from the day her boyfriend denied her pregnancy. He was a wealthy man and had the money to support the baby, but he became part of the statistics of fathers who went to buy milk and never came back. 

It wasn’t supposed to get this far, her daughter was the reason she sought for riches in the first place. She wanted to give her a good life, a life better than hers. 

Things got out of hand when she joined a church introduced by a friend, it was in the dark corridors of Hillbrow. 

Sabusiswa was out looking for a miracle, deliverance from poverty and stagnation. Who wants to be a maid their entire life, anyway? 

Armies of God Ministries seemed to be the right place for her, Qhaga was a promising man of God, a man with a vision. That’s what he came across. 

Sabusiswa thought her chance to a better life had finally arrived when her one-on-one with the pastor was approved. She was in deep, so when she was told to make a sacrifice in order for her life to change, she saw nothing wrong with it. 

R5000 was no big sacrifice compared to what the man of God was about to do in her life.  

The following month, the amount had doubled. There was no way she could gather R10 000, when Qhaga mentioned a blood sacrifice, her heart flew to the clouds. At first they wanted a sacrifice of a chicken, then a goat, things started getting weird when their thirst for blood grew. Animal blood was not enough anymore, she had to give away one of her family members. Having only her daughter and mother, she knew MaCele was the better target, seeing that she was a living ancestor. 

The hat was a special gift from the pastor, it put MaCele to sleep making her appear dead. Her body was given to the church, she too has no clue what they did with it. Sabusiswa's job was to make her daughter believe that she had cremated the body.

A week had not passed and Qhaga was demanding that she gives him her daughter, he wanted her with him. No reasons were given to Sabusiswa only promises of money in the bank, he asked for one of Amandla’s underwear and with no questions asked, Sabusiswa delivered.

When Amandla started complaining about sleepless nights and seeing her grandmother coming to her at night, Sabusiswa knew it had to be Qhaga using her mother’s body as a disguise to do despicable things to Amandla. There was no other explanation. 

Now Amandla is gone, Sabusiswa’s bank is overflowing but her hearts is empty. She’s in her fancy house, bathing her lungs in alcohol all day long just to forget her loss.  

There was no white husband to begin with, behind that flashy lifestyle, the long nails and long weaves is a woman consumed by greed for money. She’s blinded by it. 

The devil is always prowling the earth, looking for whom he may devour and Sabusiswa has fallen prey to him.


Qhaga is he’s somewhere in the house—I’ve heard him conversing with the butler. 

The butler brings me food whenever he feels I’m hungry, I have tried to strike a conversation, hoping he might slip and tell me something I can use as a weapon to escape this place. But he’d ignore me and leave the room. 

Early this morning a make-up kit and attire were delivered by the butler, he didn’t say what they were for. But hey, I can make use of the eye pencil. It can’t only be useful for drawing fake eyebrows.  

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